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Welcome back! I have been exceptionally slack in updating the comic, as you had probably noticed. I was feeling a major lack of inspiration, so I decided to pursue other creative endeavors. Mostly the creation of Munny Dolls, which oddly enough helped me get inspired to draw again. It also gave me some time to refine some of the character designs I was not so happy with… No, Keith was not one of the designs that was refined. Let’s face it even through the various stages of evolution of my art, Keith has remained fairly consistent in terms of character design. As I progress further with the comic you’ll see who I mean. Heck, if you follow my twitter account you have seen some of the new character sketches, some of them months ago.
You may have also noticed that the comic has had a name change, it is now called Karmic Debt which is what most folks were calling it anyway. I blame it all on the Webcomic Alliance and Ken Drabs articles on branding. Ken has a pretty good handle on this whole branding thing, as well some great thoughts on fonts*. Actually if you are a cartoonist looking to improve your craft there are worse places you could go for information, heck and the advice is even freely given… imagine that.
Now where was I?
Oh, yes. The name change, as you know the comic has been called L.O.S.T. for years (points for anyone who knows what L.O.S.T. stands for.) but everyone who read it called it Karmic Debt. So rather then trying to forcibly change the readers I figured it would be just as easy to rename the comic.
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