28 Days!

Feb 07, 2011 08:01

Originally published at Karmic Debt Comics. You can comment here or there.

That’s right just a mere 28 days till the awesome return of the comic!

I know you are pretty excited about this.
In celebration of this I will be conducting a contest. Yes, you heard that right, a contest!

All you have to do is scour the archives for a reference  to a “classic” Rhode Island beer. Then e-mail/tweet me no later than 11:59pm est on March 8th with the comic that had that reference. The first person to do so will receive a special hand drawn piece of art. The art will be 5″x7″ it will be in black and white, it will contain a regular character from the comic. And all you have to do to find that reference and get me the info before anyone else.

Email: keith at karmicdebt dot net

Twitter: keithcsmith

The contest starts the day the new comic goes live (March 7th 12:13am) and ends March 8th 11:59pm.

Good Luck!

keith's thoughts

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