Rubbish "News" coverage

Jun 09, 2020 20:36

Just want to express my utter boredom, bemusement and even anger at the inane coverage on both BBC and Sky News, of the funeral of some (to me) non-descript guy (who sadly and unfortunately died unjustly owing to police brutality). I really don't need to see this, especially at a time of pandemic, and I hate the narrative that demands that we subscribe to idiotic slogans like "silence is violence", and that if we disagree with thuggish vandalism of public statues, we somehow don't think that "Black lives matter". Anyway, all lives matter, not just certain sections of humanity.

I disagree with protests that don't observe the rules to minimise the risk of coronavirus transmission. The fact and real horror of police brutality and possibly murder - which of course is wrong - being widened by so-called activists to include all possible shades of racism, overtly or covertly, and spanning past centuries of historical mis-deeds, escalating and inciting even more emotional outbursts and performances of moral outrage, and even violence - sickens and worries me. It is close to anarchy when we see lawless behaviour apparently unchecked and permitted by the police.

There is also a double standard: nobody protested to my knowledge, at police killings of civilians in Jamaica: according to The Guardian (in this article in 2016): "Since 2000, members of the Jamaican constabulary force (JCF) have allegedly killed 3,000 people, according to figures from Amnesty and Indecom, the police watchdog body."
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