[mod] Comments wanted!

Sep 26, 2010 23:45

 Hey friends! :)

It's been about 3 weeks since I came into this account, there were quite a few changes here and there and I hope you have enjoyed what you see here so far. :)

Actually this journal was simply an experiment to see what I, wengyyj and natashakeiji can do in the Fandom. But seeing s many encouraging messages, we want to make ourselves better. :)


I know most of you read posts here via your Friends' Page so you may not have noticed; I changed the header of this journal to a ShoXYoko one. To show that this is an ArashiXKanjani8 miscellaneous file journal.

And I would want to know if this header...um...gives y'all a fright, cuz you know, Yoko's eyes can freak people out sometimes. :/ As much as I want to say that he's good-looking but all things must have a balance. :p

Or maybe it was just only me. XD


This is a post for you people to comment/ suggest on what you want to see here and basically everything you want to say about this journal. I'm open to anything!

Waiting for your comments! <3 


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