
Dec 30, 2010 23:59

Hi, I'm the 'new mod' of this journal, wengyyj will be moderating this Journal. Mainly this journal will be full of miscellaneous fanworks that we do in our past time (as we have school and work), so updates won't be that frequent.

Fanworks will include mp3 rips, mp3s in 320kbps, fanfics and translations. We're still trying out new stuff and maybe in the near future, graphics and subbed videos may start to appear! :D

As what was said in the sticky post, it'll be me posting more frequently since I've got more time got a job which doesn't have homework and thus have slightly more time to do stuff.

I have a very boring personal journal and is rarely fangirly, but if you don't mind reading disorganized life reflections and random (and I mean RANDOM) stuff, I don't mind too. It's 100% Public anyways.

Well for now, please help yourself with what we have for now, and look forward to what we'll be presenting! :)) 


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