Sep 07, 2001 06:06
Ok..I'm gonna start out witht he reason I'm writing today..reason- Aaron is a fucking idiot! Wanna know why? Well..I'll tell you..or better..I'll just show you..this is the convey we had a few mins ago. This is the whole thing..cuz I dun might wanna make sure I aint leaving anything ouy...anyways..
DarkSephy2001: hiya
Valgaavsgirl: hi
Valgaavsgirl: I neeeed sleeeeeeep...*-*
DarkSephy2001: hehe
DarkSephy2001: then go get some sleep then
Valgaavsgirl: yeah..but I wanna read..and I wanna listen to my music =/
Valgaavsgirl: and I can't do that when I'm sleeping
DarkSephy2001: u got day time 2 do that
DarkSephy2001: get some sleep
Valgaavsgirl: nnooooooo!
DarkSephy2001: u won't wanna get up 2 listen 2 ur music if u don't
Valgaavsgirl: *shrugs*
Valgaavsgirl: *is listening to her music now*
DarkSephy2001: ur silly
Valgaavsgirl: no I'm not
Valgaavsgirl: I'm delirious
Valgaavsgirl: =P
DarkSephy2001: yea and im the king of england
Valgaavsgirl: *bows*
DarkSephy2001: o god
Valgaavsgirl: o_o
Valgaavsgirl: *tackles him and sits on him* read to me daddy! *gives him the book* ^_^
DarkSephy2001: ok ^_^;;
Valgaavsgirl: =P
Valgaavsgirl: go on!
DarkSephy2001: *reads tiff the story*
Valgaavsgirl: my story is...338 pages!
Valgaavsgirl: you not done!
DarkSephy2001: ack!
DarkSephy2001: im only reading u 10 chapters
Valgaavsgirl: thats the first 64 pages..
DarkSephy2001: if u want more daddy needs a hug
Valgaavsgirl: o_o
Valgaavsgirl: -_-;
DarkSephy2001: :-P
DarkSephy2001: im jk
Valgaavsgirl: =P
Valgaavsgirl: you dun even know wut book your reading =P
DarkSephy2001: nope
Valgaavsgirl: lol
DarkSephy2001: *reads tiff the first 6 chapters
Valgaavsgirl: *yawns* you read to slow
DarkSephy2001: *puts tiff 2 bed and tucks her in*
Valgaavsgirl: *climbs out of bed*
Valgaavsgirl: I dun wanna go to bed!!!!
Valgaavsgirl: ;_;
DarkSephy2001: its ur bed time lil lady
Valgaavsgirl: NO!
DarkSephy2001: now get bak in bed
Valgaavsgirl: nnnoooooooo!!!
DarkSephy2001: no more internet if u don't
Valgaavsgirl: *growls at him*
Valgaavsgirl: *sticks her tounge out at him*
DarkSephy2001: :-P
Valgaavsgirl: =P
DarkSephy2001: *grabs her toungue*
Valgaavsgirl: ack!
DarkSephy2001: off 2 bed with u
Valgaavsgirl: *bites his hand*
DarkSephy2001: aghhhh!!!!!1
Valgaavsgirl: mmmm...blood..
DarkSephy2001: u stupid girl!!!!!!!
Valgaavsgirl: ;_;
Valgaavsgirl: *cries and runs*
DarkSephy2001: *sux on his bleeding finger and watches val run away*
Valgaavsgirl: *growls at him from under the couch*
DarkSephy2001: *sends his pet tiger 2 find her*
Valgaavsgirl: *eats the tiger*
DarkSephy2001: *shouts at val*
Valgaavsgirl: *growls at him*
DarkSephy2001: that was an endagered tiger!!!!!!!!!!!
Valgaavsgirl: *laughs*
Valgaavsgirl: *licks the blood of her lips*
DarkSephy2001: *sends the navy seals after val*
Valgaavsgirl: *blinks*
Valgaavsgirl: *eats them all*
DarkSephy2001: u ate every navy seal there is
Valgaavsgirl: yes!
Valgaavsgirl: at least I ate their brains >=)
Valgaavsgirl: I left the rest of them to rot xp
DarkSephy2001: ur a monster i tell ua a monster!
Valgaavsgirl: I'm not a monster! I'm a cannibal!
DarkSephy2001: wat ever
DarkSephy2001: *puts a head mask on val so she can't bite ppl
Valgaavsgirl: I'm stalking Hopkins
Valgaavsgirl: o_o
Valgaavsgirl: *growls*
Valgaavsgirl: *kicks him in the nuts*
Valgaavsgirl: *runs*
DarkSephy2001: stupid skank!
Valgaavsgirl: *growls*
Valgaavsgirl: *runs back and kicks him in the nuts again*
Valgaavsgirl: *runs*
Valgaavsgirl: *runs fast*
DarkSephy2001: im sorry ur not a stupid skank
Valgaavsgirl: xp
DarkSephy2001: u r a stupid skanky whore!!!!!!
Valgaavsgirl: *growls*
DarkSephy2001: :-P
DarkSephy2001: *runs
Valgaavsgirl: *sits*
DarkSephy2001: hahaha u can't catch me
Valgaavsgirl: I'm not trying
DarkSephy2001: *throws val a big juice cow
Valgaavsgirl: *appears on top of his head* caught you
DarkSephy2001: theres ur dinner
Valgaavsgirl: ner..dun think so
DarkSephy2001: *dissapears
DarkSephy2001: haha u feel on the ground
Valgaavsgirl: I already aite alot of navy I'm not hungry right now
Valgaavsgirl: *stops*
Valgaavsgirl: *sits in mid air*
Valgaavsgirl: *steps down*
DarkSephy2001: hmmmmm its night
Valgaavsgirl: its morning
DarkSephy2001: remember wat happens at night
Valgaavsgirl: 5:26 am
Valgaavsgirl: no
Valgaavsgirl: wut?
Valgaavsgirl: you sleep?
DarkSephy2001: 10:24pm here
Valgaavsgirl: ahh
DarkSephy2001: the vamps come out
Valgaavsgirl: lol
Valgaavsgirl: well they are going to bed over here
DarkSephy2001: *shows his fangs*
Valgaavsgirl: *yawns*
Valgaavsgirl: *flicks her tail from side to side and stretches her wings*
DarkSephy2001: so wat r u now?
Valgaavsgirl: seems a bit of everything..
Valgaavsgirl: akuma gave me the wingz..immortality..goddess bit..I got the vamprie bit..part dragon..hence the tail..part cannibal..but that might be the dragon blood talking...
Valgaavsgirl: *thinks*
Valgaavsgirl: I think thats all..but I'm not sure..
Valgaavsgirl: I know I'm not saiyan..
DarkSephy2001: wow ur a real mixture
Valgaavsgirl: hai
DarkSephy2001: lets c im part jenova part sayian part namekian part vamp
Valgaavsgirl: lol
DarkSephy2001: o and part human
Valgaavsgirl: I can't see wut I'm typing..o_o
DarkSephy2001: lol
Valgaavsgirl: ack! something is screwed up on AIM..
DarkSephy2001: no its not
Valgaavsgirl: on mine it is
DarkSephy2001: just urs
Valgaavsgirl: ahh! there!
Valgaavsgirl: I can see wut I'm typing again!
DarkSephy2001: i want something 2 do
Valgaavsgirl: *gives him a book*
Valgaavsgirl: read it
DarkSephy2001: *gives it bak*
Valgaavsgirl: ner! I can't see wut I'm typing again!
Valgaavsgirl: ><
Valgaavsgirl: *hands him Red Dragon, Silence of the lambs, and Hannibal
Valgaavsgirl: *
Valgaavsgirl: read them all!
DarkSephy2001: *hands them bak*
Valgaavsgirl: there may be one more to that collection..not sure
Valgaavsgirl: you suck =P
DarkSephy2001: im not in the mood 2 read ;-)
Valgaavsgirl: *raises an eyebrow* dun wink at me like that...
Valgaavsgirl: it freaks me out..
DarkSephy2001: ;-);-);-)
Valgaavsgirl: *shudders*
Valgaavsgirl: *looks away*
DarkSephy2001: lol
DarkSephy2001: *uses multi form and makes a ring of himself round val*
Valgaavsgirl: *closes her eyes*
DarkSephy2001: ;-)
Valgaavsgirl: *yawns*
DarkSephy2001: *gets a thought in his mind and grins evily*
Valgaavsgirl: *blinks*
Valgaavsgirl: o_o
DarkSephy2001: hehe
Valgaavsgirl: *raises an eyebrow*
DarkSephy2001: i suggest u run
Valgaavsgirl: y? o_o
Valgaavsgirl: *never runs*
DarkSephy2001: *sprays some breath freshner in his mouth*
Valgaavsgirl: *blinks*
DarkSephy2001: u sure
Valgaavsgirl: o_o
DarkSephy2001: ;-)
Valgaavsgirl: ><
Valgaavsgirl: dun wink at me!
Valgaavsgirl: *shivers*
DarkSephy2001: take a guess of wat im gonna do
Valgaavsgirl: I dun care wut your gonna do
DarkSephy2001: alright :-P
DarkSephy2001: *walks up 2 val and frenches her then walks off*
Valgaavsgirl: ><
Valgaavsgirl: *spits*
DarkSephy2001: :-P
Valgaavsgirl: *spits*
Valgaavsgirl: *dissappears*
Valgaavsgirl: *reappears in her bathroom*
DarkSephy2001: *dissappears as well
Valgaavsgirl: *washes her mouth out with soap*
Valgaavsgirl: *spits*
Valgaavsgirl: *spits*
Valgaavsgirl: *spits*
Valgaavsgirl: *spits*
Valgaavsgirl: ewwww.......
Valgaavsgirl: *shudders*
DarkSephy2001: bah!
DarkSephy2001 signed off at 5:41:57 AM.
DarkSephy2001 signed on at 5:42:39 AM.
DarkSephy2001: like being blocked?
Valgaavsgirl: BAKA! *slaps him*
Valgaavsgirl: I actually wouls have rather kept it that way...><
DarkSephy2001: haha
DarkSephy2001: y? u hate me?
Valgaavsgirl: THATS SICK!
Valgaavsgirl: *spits*
DarkSephy2001: wat is?
Valgaavsgirl: you kissed me you baka!
DarkSephy2001: i did?
Valgaavsgirl: god damn idiot! you arn'y worth arguing with!
DarkSephy2001: lol
DarkSephy2001: im not?
DarkSephy2001 signed off at 5:45:08 AM.
Well..thats it..he fucking frenched me..THAT I wasn't expecting..i should have bit his tougne off and eaten it