(no subject)

Jul 13, 2005 00:13

I guess, I'm somewhat morally obligated to update, since I put this "layout" up like 5 hours ago and then just did nothing....

So yeah, it's been well over 3 months since I last updated. Honestly, I don't even know how I feel about it. I just kinda detached from this place...like...woah! I still read my LJ friends page like every day, I just never really had anything I felt like saying. It's weird to look back and see how attached I was and just how much, not only this, but enigma in general meant to me. I guess it still does, because even less so now than a few years ago, like 1 in every 12 bajillion kids owns a domain, so I guess that's kinda cool...but like, I just have so many other things I've found to waste my time on, that webdesign, etc. just doesn't captivate me like it used to...but maybe it's all a big cycle of phases, who knows...um...I wanna say enigma is up for expiration again this August, but I might be off by a year...I know I'll renew it, but who knows about after that...

What can I say, theres no way I could sum up whats happened in the past 90 days in a single post...and I really shouldn't burden anyone who might actually be taking the time to read this with an attempt to do so. I finished my first year of college...that itself is a major step I guess...it was hard saying bye to everyone, but I know I'll see them again...in fact, in the past week I've actually seen most of the people I spent the majority of my time with, so it's been really nice...I'm excited about next year and living off-campus and all, but having this summer break from academia is very welcome! The job here @ Conference Services is going pretty well, even if I do have the most retarded schedule ever...hey, I get payed salary to sit around...it works out!

I've gone through a lot of CRAP with guys in the past month...like moreso than I could ever have imagined fitting into a single month actually! I'm truly and honestly disgusted with the male sex and this point, and I really want nothing to do with them...except the problem is that I actually do, and I just keep getting trampled on over and over again, when I'm already down...Maybe I should learn a lesson and just take a break...Yeah, maybe I'll do that. I need an excuse to work on myself for awhile...mentally and physically....hmm...a boy break....I need to sleep on this, but it's sounding like a good idea...

Who knows? Emotionally this summer is turning out to be pretty craptastic, but I guess I do feel guilty complaining...I got lucky getting this job, I have a lot of really good friends here who truly care about me, and I don't NEED a boy to keep me happy...so why do I act that way...eh, because I'm human, dammit!

Whatever, I don't feel like blabbing about this anymore...sorry to come back on such a quasi-angry note...not that anyone's reading this anyway....Yeah, and I don't wanna talk about the layout either, I know it's shit...and its PINK!...whatever, I just threw something together because I didn't think it would be proper to come back after 3 months and try to act like things were the same as when I made that last layout...

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