Yes, this journal is still alive

Nov 29, 2004 15:41

Sorry I haven't updated in ages, been a pretty hectic semester. This is most likely my last year here at MU, I've got this semester and next semester I'm taking 18 credits, 3 of which are 400 level major related classes (kill me now) and 2 minor related classes (Philosophy, which I actually enjoy). Then, depending if I manage to get an internship over summer (hoping to have my mom talk to my Aunt JoAnn to put in a good word for me over at Lockheed Martin over in Owego since she's some kind of manager over there and I here tech people are in a bit of demand over there), I'm graduating August 2005 then it's time to enter real life (*sigh*). Thanksgiving break was pretty uneventful, just stayed home basically, though I did rent and beat a game, Megaman X: Command Mission, which was actually decent, got back to college at about the right time, mom and my stepdad were starting to argue again and he tends to become an asshole take it out on the rest of the family when that happens, so I was glad to get out of there when I did. Other than that, it's basically the same old thing, projects, listening to music, videogaming, etc. HBT elections and constitution voting are tomorrow, so I hope they go alright and whomever gets in does a good job next semester. Still haven't figured out whether or not I'm going special status next semester or not, guess I'll figure that out when I get to that point. I really don't know whaqt the future holds for me, kinda nervewrecking when I stop to think about it, so I try to do other stuff to make it so I don't. Well, for those of you that still follow my journal, I love you all and haven't forgotten about you guys, just get involved in everything and become overwhelmed and forget everything I want to do. Well, take care for now and hope your lives are going well. Take to you later.
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