me and nick got back together that next day..he called me and told me that we werent going to break up and not try to think of any solutions we came up with one that i hope works..and if it doesnt then thats ok..but anyhoo..were doing having time to myself to work on me..and im saving money now..yea!!
well work is good..tonight i had some woman fall on me..she was in the bathroom and she had a cane and i could tell she was having i was walking behind her to make sure she was ok..well she just gave out and went BAM right into me..throwing me on the floor..but hey i broke her fall..and she started to cry and it made me feel i tried to help her up but she told me that her husband is the only one could get her i called security to help me and i got her up halfway then her husband came up and he picked her up and we got her to the car..and she just kept crying it made me feel bad..but it ended good i guess..even though now my back hurts pretty bad cause i hit the ground with a thud..hehe..
i saw behind enemy lines..and i think everyone should go and see that movie it kicked ASS!!!
oh yeah and btw..thank you to
steelcorpfilms and
foxfire_1 for your comments on my last entry..i would respond to them but lj is being a bitch!!as usual..and anyhow!!i guess thats it for now..much love and night night..