VividCon "Nearly New" show - advice please?

Jun 16, 2007 10:55

Hey folks!

I'm trying to decide which vid to submit to the VVC "Nearly New" show. The choices are:

Crown of Thorns - Highlander vid
Duncan MacLeod, a Dark Quickening, and love.

Life Among the Watchers - Highlander vid
Joe Dawson is caught between the Watchers and Immortals.

Am I Getting Through? - due South vid
Victoria, Vecchio, Kowalski, Diefenbaker, Fraser. Fraser's has a hard time connecting with people. Angst warning.

Train to Jackson - due South vid
There and back again, Ben Fraser style. Fraser/Canada, Fraser/Canada/Kowalski.

Alienation - Farscape vid, instrumental
John has to adapt to a bizarre and frightening universe.

Lightning Rod - Jeremiah vid
Jeremiah is driven to live as a hero, in a world where heroes don't live long.

Advice? Suggestions on how to decide?
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