We take this moment to interrupt your regularly scheduled sanity...

Mar 21, 2011 21:40

Oh man. I should totally be working on my spn_cinema or remix_redux fics right now.

But instead I've been bedazzled by the glorious bad fic that is my spnland Team Writing Challenge. We've got aliens, tentacles, slime that causes schmoopy feelings in the boys, involuntary telepathy (including the uncensored broadcast of inappropriate images), manly tears, Fae, the Impala kidnapped to be Oberon's fairy consort, Sam Dean and Castiel dressing in sparkly spandex leotards to go rescue her, and Ruby, Gabriel and Rufus kibbitzing from the after-life after-party. It is AWESOME!

ETA: I have an unusual problem with my remix ... TOO MUCH GREAT FIC TO CHOOSE FROM. I can't even narrow it down to a fandom. I mean, we share more than one fandom. And even though I've never written in this fandom, or that one, or that crazy cross-over ... I COULD. I could. *evil laugh*
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