Jul 06, 2005 08:58
So you're all probably wondering, "Why is Jamie posting at 9:00 am? Why is Jamie even awake at 9:00 am?" This is why. My parents are so gay. I wish that tiny little typed statement could encompass how pissed I am right now. I can't even sleep because of it. Today I am going to Summerfest w/ Steve and a few of his friends from Loras to see a bunch of bands. All we want to do afterwards is stay in a hotel so we don't have to drive home exhausted after being there for like, 12 hours. But of course, we can't. Why? Because Jamie's parents won't let her stay in a hotel. So now Steve has to drive home in the middle of the night so we can do, at his house, exactly what we would have done in a hotel room. Lay down and fall asleep. Wow. My parents are right. We definitely need parental supervision for that.
So let's consider this situation logically (Or maybe this is me being irrational and irresponsible like every other teenager in the world...you let me know which one you think it is): In one month, I will be leaving for college. I will live 6 hours away, with no parents, in a building with 150 boys, for 10 months. Now, let's look at what I'm asking for. I will be 1 hour away, for ONE NIGHT. So I'm allowed to do the first option, which in my parents eyes would normally be moral suicide, but I can't do the second. Hmmm. Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
This is the problem: My parents are oblivious. In my opinion, an oblivious parent is worse than an over-protective one. They are oblivious to the fact that kids my age really can be responsible and make good choices. They are oblivious to the fact that boys and girls really CAN be just friends. And finally, they are oblivious to the fact that sometimes, kids actually do tell the truth and can be trusted.
What the fuck. I am so pissed right now. Of course, none of this is logical thinking. This is just me "having a comment for everything" as my mother says. And I love how they don't want me to stay in a hotel because it might be kind of a shady situation. Do they honestly think that if I knew it were a shady situation I would even put myself into it in the first place? Yea, cos we all know I'm that dumb. There are kids my age who wouldn't even recognize responsibility if it slapped them in the face, and even they have more freedom than me. AAAARRGGGGHHHHHHHHH.
My parents are just so difficult. I could show them a fucking shoe and say, "Look, mom, it's a shoe!" And if she thought otherwise, she'd say, "No, no it's not. You're wrong." Even if the fucking shoe were right in front of her fucking face. That's how difficult they are. AHHHHHHHHH. They are just so fucking stubborn. I know people say that ending up like your parents is inevitable, but in this case it definitely is not. I'm not going to be as fucking oblivious as they are. Honestly, they are ridiculous. Their arguments aren't even logical. Ok so I thought typing all this out would make me feel better, but it's definitely making me more frustrated. I'm done.