Ch.4: Lazy Daze Mood Board

Sep 01, 2020 00:06

My Summer Mood Board.

1. Mineral water - I drink insane amounts of it.
2. Small Japanese fan - I carry it with me everywhere - to use mostly in public transportation system.
3. Shower - Twice or thrice a day...
4. Refrigerator - Sometimes I just open the door and stand in front of it.
5. Big office fan - Yes I bought myself one for home.
6. Ice cubes - Added to almost any drink.
7. "This is Hell" - How I feel about summer. MoolBoran font.
8. Ice cream - Love these. Sometimes I add ice cream to frozen fruits (+ juice or mineral water) and make myself a smoothie.
9. Sleeping - If I don't move I sweat less. It works!
10. Summer color palette.

challenge 04, cycle 05, user: mark_pierre, moodboard, graphics

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