Mutants Assemble!

Dec 17, 2011 18:02

Who: Anyone who wants to show up (Open)
What: A little meeting for anyone who wants to get some tutoring on how to control their powers, or just to meet other people with powers.
When: Today (Saturday), in the afternoon
Where: The Chapel, for starters. People are free to move elsewhere, especially if they want a more open space to experiment with ( Read more... )

toph bei fong, charles xavier, talia, scott summers, shalnark, jael, ezra, sollux captor, logan/wolverine, tsia matsallen

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thii2ii22tupiid December 18 2011, 11:21:32 UTC
Sollux is not missing this. He doesn't think they'll be able to help him (or that he needs any help aside from getting his powers back up to their previous level), but he wants to see how humans do this 'school' thing. Also it should be hillariously stupid.
So he's around, watching, and keeping (mostly) quiet at first.


rocklikerunaway December 20 2011, 03:43:21 UTC
Keeping quiet won't help him hide from Toph.

She ignores Scott when she enters the room and heads instead for Sollux, aiming a punch at his arm by way of greeting.

"Hey, you ready to get your butt whooped some more?"


thii2ii22tupiid December 20 2011, 04:43:06 UTC
Sollux doesn't bother to block or avoid the punch, but doesn't really react to it. He smirks. "Not at all, because that doesn't have even a tiny chance of happening."


rocklikerunaway December 20 2011, 04:53:21 UTC
Toph smirks her approval. So he might not know how to fight, but he's no jelly-boned wimp.

"Yeah? You mean like last time?"


thii2ii22tupiid December 20 2011, 04:57:53 UTC
"I don't know what you've been doing with your time here, but I haven't just been sitting on my ass all day." Even though Toph couldn't teach him much, he still has one other combat teacher. "So if you're looking for a rematch you can't just pray I've gotten weaker because there haven't been any monsters to fight lately."


rocklikerunaway December 20 2011, 05:38:00 UTC
"I don't know what you call whatever you were doing in front of those games, but it looked like a lot of sitting on your butt to me. What were you really doing? Training your fingers?"


thii2ii22tupiid December 20 2011, 06:48:47 UTC
"Training my mind. Its too bad you don't have a way to do that because it'd really help."


rocklikerunaway December 20 2011, 23:28:20 UTC
"It hasn't helped you." She folds her arms and grins.


thii2ii22tupiid December 20 2011, 23:30:31 UTC
"How would you know? You wouldn't recognize genius if it bit you. But humans rarely do."


rocklikerunaway December 20 2011, 23:36:26 UTC
"That's because real geniuses are smart enough not to bite me. They're too busy hiding in their libraries like jelly-boned wimps."


thii2ii22tupiid December 20 2011, 23:49:21 UTC
"I think you've got your definitions of 'genius' and 'useless schlub' mixed up."


rocklikerunaway December 21 2011, 04:49:51 UTC
"You're right. I have. It almost sounded like I was saying you were a genius. And we both know that's not true."


thii2ii22tupiid December 21 2011, 05:10:50 UTC
"I'm not a genius. I'm a super-genius." Snrk. Not that she can see it.


rocklikerunaway December 21 2011, 05:19:40 UTC
She can hear it though. Let him smirk. She's having fun and some of it's at his expense. He can think he's winning if he wants.

"Do you get a fancy costume and some spirit magic with that?"


thii2ii22tupiid December 21 2011, 05:21:51 UTC
He would have, if he ever made it to god tier.

"I'm more the undercover kind than the 'lets loudly tell everyone I think I'm better than them' kind."
Well, sometimes.


rocklikerunaway December 21 2011, 05:25:37 UTC
"So, you're the hiding kind."

While someone else does the real fighting.


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