Feb 16, 2011 01:04
I have chicken pocks, yay!
Why is it called chicken?
It makes you cowardly? Myth about being spread by chickens? Underneath all those feathers, chickens are really spotty and itchy?
So far, it's not so bad. Started getting pocks late Sunday, now have like, 45 or so in my face. Too lazy to count my body, but they're crawling down my arms and legs. Left hand is three inches from being sickly. :)
If any nurses or doctors read this, why the spots? They don't seem to be, like, infected pores. Is it just totally sporadic, which parts of skin form a blister? Why a blister, what's going on in there really? Is the liquid whites fighting virus, or is it, dunno, hysterical lymph trying to escape the war?
Also have a theory on the crater like scars. Can't help having popped a few blisters (most by mistake, but hey. It's fun. Shut up.) and it's not really helping, is it? It's not like the infection in that spot is over just because I removed some liquid. The collapsed skin sticks in the middle, but bulges out on the sides with more liquid, like a little atoll reef, haha. If I were that skin, I'd heal like a crater, too.
The pocks on my scalp are the most annoying. Rrrr, stupid things! Leave my hair roots alone!
The friend who infected me said her scalp is taking the longest time to heal. Thank you, scalp healing powers. Just what I wanted to know.
And no one told me about the pocks in my mouth and lungs! And only the fifth or so website even mentioned my lungs at all!
Actually, the pocks in my mouth were first, but I just thought they were cold sores.
In a way, it's pretty cool to get chicken pocks now and not at age three, because now I can do all these thinkings on the subject. It's fun. :)
How many hours until Glee? This is taking forever. More Blaine now, please.