Jul 13, 2003 00:52
When you start to forget what you've done... it probably means things are becoming meaningless. I nearly forgot about Friday... So yeah: Friday night S stopped by, we reconciled and we're good again. We ended up at a bash at P's house. I don't know him... he's older... but he seemed amped to have us there. It was nice.. I looked around and realized that everyone there had graduated high school and I suddenly felt... I'm not sure, just... not so young and naive anymore. We had all been through the high school drama and survived. K and C got super drunk.. and I drove them home around 1. That was that.
Cue self pity ballad...
After a productive afternoon at the mall... I spent a Saturday night at home. I never ever do that. EVER. Hell, I rarely spend a Monday night at home. For the first time in a while, I felt completely alone.
S was partying "out of town."
C was at the beach with A.
C was on a date with "kid from work."
K was with M.
L was with J.
L was with her family.
I planned on chilling with M, but he was invited to the beach... and I refuse to make him pass up a night with his boys for me... I'm not that type of girlfriend. If I were to venture outside the clique and call someone else (meaning, someone from high school) on a Saturday night... they would totally throw up their guard and realize that I was using them. So... I grubbed on a grilled chicken salad, vanilla yogurt, fooled around online, and watched some of The Wedding Planner.
I was craving attention and called T and TC. Completely random. Boys that I'd like to know better.. at the same time, boys that I don't need in my life right now. I felt cheap... luckily, nothing came of the phone calls.
I was approached by a 20-something man @ BK today.. he introduced himself with and handshake and I lied because I wasnt interested. All I could think was.. whoa... and we'll throw in a hell yeah.
I need to buy a new book... for nights like these.