Novi Day-Trip

Mar 22, 2009 21:43

Went home for the Novi show today - fun fun!

First person I see - Sarah Robinson. We took an ice skating class together...oh, wow, 7 years ago - I was a freshman and she was in 6th grade, and I kept trying to get her to join guard but she was clinging to her flute. Now she's a senior - and she's going to State! I told her what history classes to take (she's going to be a history ed major).

Next people I see are Mike (Betsy's husband), Mr. Thomann, and Mr. Hourigan. Mike and I talked about internships - he works for a publishing company(?) and said they have internships in editorial work! So I need to look into that. Talked with Mr. Thomann about winterguard - he remembers the beginning of MSU Expression, and he somehow knows Orlando...didn't get to talk with Hourigan too long, but he'll be at State next year as a grad student so we can bug him then :D.

Then into the gym to watch guard, where we found Linda and Laura!!! Basically hung out with them all day, which was nice - it's been so long since I saw them. Betsy came over not too long after Novi White got done and was like, "Aww, The Seven!" <3 Oh, and we sat with Kitty Gasaway, too! She's not sure where she's going to school yet, but she's for sure spinnning - so State better hurry up and accept her!

Cheered wildly for Novi White and both Interplays (A: Suzanne and "Buddy", Open: Ashley J, Alex, and Claire - though I know three others). They all had really good runs, too! Janna only dropped once (she gets nervous - so I wrote her a shout-out to calm her down: "To Miss Janna, from Just Kaitlyn: You'll do great!" Inside joke - you had to be there). Suzanne performed on sprained toes (and Vicodin). Interplay Open brought down the house - it was sweet. (Novi Green was ridiculously cute, as usual.)

Oh, I saw Huron Valley and Mt. Pleasant, too. Huron Valley emotes WAY too much, and Mt. Pleasant doesn't enough - if you combined them, it would work out better for both. They aren't terrible shows, just not up my alley.

After lunch, I hung out with Mrs. & Katie Appleman. Katie traded sides - she wants to go to Michigan now!!!! Jackie got to her...grrrrr. But that was nice, and I met the mom of a girl on Novi Green. Mrs. Portuesi tried to get me to volunteer...uh, no, I've done that the last two years, and I paid to get in. No way was I getting skimped on watching drumline. I also bought the yellow swing flag from my senior year - the one that only I spun :D

Didn't watch a ton of drumline, but saw some good ones - Farmington United was sweet. There were a couple with guards, but I wasn't too impressed. The world lines were sweet, Walled Lake and Redline. Half of the people on Redline are dancers - it's sweet, and I'm kinda jealous. And John Webber is on there! (And Tony from the snares.) Novi Drumline was SWEET - "The Planets." I don't know how they're doing this year compared to other lines, but I hope they do well at WGI. OH! And Jackson Landry is on both Novi and Redline - how does that work out?

We left after Redline, but didn't get too far before running in to Ronak Chhaya, Alex Smith, and...LIZETTE!!!! Woooo! I love that girl - I'm bummed we can't go to her skating show, and she can't come to states because she has skating states.

Later tonight, I was IMing with Betsy about guard. I miss her, and being on Novi. Even though I've spent three years now on State of Art and with Peter and Orlando, Betsy is still my coach - she started it all! And when things get drama-y on SoA, I really miss how (mostly) drama-free Novi was when I was there...I'm so glad I still get to see them, even if there's only one girl on the guard who I spun with (damn, I feel old! Lizette graciously pointed this out when I mentioned that I'm two weeks away from 21).

And then we came home and State won! My bracket is PWNING - 530 points in Bracket Challenge on Facebook. I'm 2nd in the Hooahs pool behind Josh/Ted Kennedy, and tied for 3rd with Arun in the SMB pool. Lauren somehow has the highest score of all my friends - just by picking the highest seed, with a few upsets. Grrr! Not fair. She'll lose soon enough... ;)

guard, basketball, home

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