FIC: Six Days, Seven Nights 6/6 (Connor/Kyle, NC-17)

Jun 25, 2005 10:31

Six Days, Seven Nights
by Keelywolfe
Fandom: DC Universe
Pairing: Connor/Kyle, (Green Arrow/Green Lantern)
Rated NC-17 (HARD, NC-17. Like, sex, and stuff. Tasty sex.)

Notes: Day Six. That's all she wrote, folks.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Just playing with them. Thank you.

Summary: Who needs a bed, either?

For those of you who've been waiting, this story is done and done! I'm going to link to all the chapters to make it easier on you folks.

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five

and now, the very last.

Day Six


12:03 am

Why was it that when Connor didn't want Kyle he ended up with the man in his bed, attached to his hip like a terrier but when he did want him, he was nowhere to be found?

Not in his room, which Connor couldn't blame him for that because there was nothing in it but some clothes and an old Reader's Digest. One pair of jeans that were recognizably his but now wasn't the time to stage a rescue. He also wasn't in the kitchen area, so where the heck was he? They were on a space station on the moon, there weren't exactly that many hiding places - and he was chasing after a man with a ring that let him fly through space. Right.

It took far too long to stumble across him, sitting on the floor in one of the atriums. He was bent over a pad of paper, sketching with quick little movements. Connor told himself that he didn't want to interrupt which was why he hung back a little and watched him.

Or maybe he didn't have to lie to himself this time and he could just admit that Kyle was…he was really good to look at. So focused, his expression serious as he drew whatever was in his mind. There was a little concentration line creased between his eyebrows and just then Connor really wanted to kiss it. He wished he could.

Connor sighed. He really was gay. Roy was going to laugh so hard.

Kyle chose that moment to look up and when he saw Connor, he smiled as brightly as the sun and Connor's heart leapt. How was it he hadn't noticed how much he just liked being around Kyle? He must be the stupidest man on the planet and probably a few other ones. Some Zen Buddhist he was.

"Done talking with J'onn," Kyle asked, his eyes flicking from Connor to the paper.

"Yes," Connor said simply. He needed just a few more minutes to enjoy being around Kyle before he probably made the man hate him for life. "What are you drawing?"

"Eh, just something that came to me. Haven't had much time for it lately and, well, I wasn't in much of a mood for it either, but today felt right."

He flipped the drawing pad around to show Connor a sketch of a woman, her features just alien enough for him to recognize she wasn't human. Tears were making lines down her face, her sorrow so visible it was like something Connor could hold in his hands. Kyle was really very good and he wondered why he hadn't noticed before. "It's beautiful."

"Thanks," Kyle said, his voice subdued. "When I was in space, I did a lot of work on other planets, trying to help out, you know?" Kyle tipped the pad back, carefully smudging one penciled line with his pinkie. "This planet, and please don't ask me to pronounce the name, was being destroyed by internal stresses. We got as many people as we could out, just did everything we could possibly do but -" he shrugged, a little, his eyes shadowed. "Even I couldn't save the planet. All these people are refugees now, going to whatever planets will take them.

"I saw this woman on one of the ships. She'd just lost everything she had, her entire world and there was nothing I could do. I felt so helpless," Kyle said quietly. "I just remembered it today."

There wasn't much he could say to that. Connor settled for resting his hand on Kyle's shoulder, forcing himself to make it brief. "Is this all you've drawn?"

"Nah, I doodle a lot to get in the mood." Flipped back a page and there were dozens of tiny sketches, scattered images. He immediately recognized one of Ollie, his head cartoonishly large with a speech bubble saying, 'Don't touch the system!' Mia sitting curled up in a throne, only a few simple lines and yet recognizably her, lovely and strong. His family.

And…there. Him. Just a tiny sketch of him tucked into one corner. Sleeping with one arm curled under his head. He wondered when Kyle had actually seen him like that. Kyle watching him sleep. Kyle making love to him…

"We need to talk," Connor said abruptly.

"All right." Kyle flipped back the cover on the sketchbook and got to his feet. "But not here. There's always someone listening in this place."

Connor blinked. "Okay. Did you have some place in mind?"


1:37 AM

"If I'd had any time to plan, I could have brought marshmallows," Kyle said cheerfully, sprawled across his sleeping bag. Connor couldn't stop looking up through the giant green bubble that was all that stood between them and the vast blackness of space.

Trust Kyle to go camping on asteroids.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Connor asked, scrunching in closer to the false comfort of the flickering green campfire.

"Would I be here if it wasn't?"

"That is not a yes."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Yes, it's safe. It'll stay even if I fall asleep. Except I'm not going to because you wanted to talk. So talk."

Talk. Right. Connor slapped at a mosquito that was humming eye-wateringly around his ear. "Kyle, I know you strive for realism but there is occasion for taking it too far."

"I take pride in my work and you're stalling. Talk, already."

"I - " Really don't want to do this. Really wish we were somewhere I could leave after I tell you. Really wish you'd stop being so damned hot and that you'd stayed in your own bed and kept your hands and your dick to yourself and - "We've been having sex all week. I mean, you've been - what I mean is - when you were sleeping you - we -" Connor stumbled helplessly to a stop. Very smooth, ninja master.

"Yeah." Kyle poked at the fire with a stick that congealed into shape in his hand. "I was wondering when you'd say something."


"You knew? J'onn said he didn't say anything to you!"

"You know, I don't think I am entirely comfortable with the level of stupid you think I am." Kyle scowled. "I'll admit, most of my detective skills are from old Matlock reruns, but I'm not an idiot, Connor. I went through puberty; I know exactly what stiff boxers in the morning mean. I'm also familiar with a semen aftertaste, I did go to college."

"Why didn’t you say something?!"

Kyle shrugged. "Wasn't entirely sure you were involved it in. I could have just been doing it in my sleep and I didn't want to embarrass you."

"You were doing it in your sleep all right," Connor muttered. "With me."

Kyle didn't even smile. "I know what started this, you know. I was just hoping I could work through it and get things on even keel without dragging you into it anymore than I had to. Guess that's not working out."

"So you talk to me now." Maybe hearing Kyle's problems would make him feel better about the ones Kyle had given to him.

"I slept with Hal Jordon." Very softly.

That was not quite the confession Connor had been expecting.

"You…Kyle, you're not gay," Connor said, dumbly. His jaw felt like it would never come off the ground. "I mean, you have girlfriends. Had girlfriends. And I'm pretty sure, I'm almost positive Hal isn't gay, that's-"

"You don't have to be gay just to sleep with a guy," Kyle snapped.

"You - you do so, I'm sure you do! That's completely what sleeping with another guy means! It means you're gay. I should know, I practically have people stuffing rainbow bumper stickers in my pants!"

"Connor, work with me here, okay? I slept with a guy. I slept with HAL and I don't give a damn if it means I need to march in a parade every year from now on!" Kyle took a deep breath, visibly calming himself. "Let's focus, all right?"

"Focus. Right. You slept with…Kyle, what happened?" It was possibly a stupid question since people didn't usually wander around naked and slip and accidentally sleep with each other but they didn't usually have super powered rings or come back from the dead either, so sometimes the stupid questions just had to be asked.

"I didn't mean-it's just---we went flying, right, only in a plane instead of with our rings and Hal ASKED me to come with him, and we used to hang out before, when he was here from the past, you know? Only, we didn't do anything we just-and this time we just-yeah." Kyle finished lamely.

"So, you two are…" Connor let it dwindle. Geez, how could he sleep with Hal. That would be like Kyle sleeping with his dad…and now that Connor had thought that, he would never be able to have an erection again. But Hal? And now him…oh, Hal was going to kill him. He was sleeping with his father's best friend's boyfriend; his first sort-of relationship was already a love triangle. The universe must be laughing its ass off by now.

Kyle actually laughed, too. "No, it was just that once and he's been really cool about it. Nothing sucks worse than sleeping with a friend and it getting all weird…okay, you might not have a lot of experience in that."

"I'm working up to it," he muttered. "All right, so you slept with Hal and everything is great between you. So what's the problem, then? You're all right, he's all right-"

"Are you all right, Connor?" So softly.

"I'm not the one sleepwalking."

"No, you're the one letting me feel you up while I'm unconscious for my own good."

Well, there was that. Still. "You had a problem first. What does J'onn have to say about all this, anyway?"

"J'onn said that I was dealing with anxiety that was possibly caused by some kind of posttraumatic stress disorder and it was manifesting in a physical form due to the psycho-connective nature of my ring."

Connor blinked. "Oh. And that means?"

"I have no idea, but he seemed very pleased with it."

"Oh." Connor pulled his knees up and rested his chin on them, stared at the fire.

"Connor?" Closer to him. Kyle had crawled forward enough to lean on Connor's sleeping bag. "You like me, don't you?"

"You're my friend." Simply. Please, leave it alone, please, oh, please.

"That isn't what I mean and you know it. Maybe…maybe I just knew how you felt and after Hal, I just-acted on it. Hell, I don't know." He flopped back on the ground and a cloud of meteor dust rose around him. "Matlock was a pretty good detective, but I don't remember ever seeing an episode like this one. He usually worked murder cases not weird sex crimes of the century."

"Of the century? I wouldn't go that far, the century is young." Connor sighed unhappily. "So now what? You think this - I don't know, resolves it? Now you'll stay in your bed and I can stay in mine and everything can go back to normal?"

Kyle sat up. "Are you serious?" he asked, incredulous. "You are! You're totally serious. I don't believe this."


"You aren't a Matlock. You aren't even Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective. What exactly do you think this is all about?"

"Kyle, what on earth -"

"No, on the moon. I've been staying on the MOON and my subconscious has been dragging me a couple hundred thousand miles every night just so I can come to you and you don't get anything out of that? Hello?"

"Kyle, I just - "

"And you think I'm stupid?"

"I never said - "

"Do I need to tattoo it on my forehead? Should I say it with flowers? Throw me a bone, here, Connor, I'm failing fast. No, you know what? This has been working for us so far and I really want to know what it's like when I'm awake."

It really was impossible to talk with someone's tongue in your mouth. Kyle's mouth was hard and sure and nothing like he kissed when he was asleep. It gave just a little, enough for Kyle to press his tongue into Connor's mouth, a quick, slippery little touch that vanished before Connor could decide what he wanted to do about it.

"What exactly do you think is going on here?" Kyle panted into his mouth. He had both hands on Connor's face, holding him. "I've spent time with your family, I've been taking you out on dates, and I've been molesting you every night in my sleep. Do I need a dress and a veil before you even consider the possibility that I might love you?"

"But - you slept with Hal," Connor couldn't help how faint his voice sounded. Another kiss, gentler, and it send a shot of sharp heat right through Connor's belly.

"I wouldn't be the first person to sleep with someone else because I didn't think I could get the person I wanted. I doubt I'd be the millionth." Kyle could really kiss when he was actually conscious, his tongue moving purposefully against Connor's before he pulled back to whisper, "I've all but wined and dined you and bought you jewelry! If I'd known you were already happy and willing in the AM hours, I would have - "

The kiss this time pushed him back against the sleeping bag until Kyle was on top of him, heavy and strong, and his hands knew what they were doing this time, pushing Connor's t-shirt off before he could even protest which…he wasn't about to.

"I didn't think I could have this either," he panted, trying to lick at Kyle's ear and from his gasp it must've worked. It was nothing at all like his own gasp when Kyle sat up and did this little grind right in his lap, dragged his ass against Connor's cock and Connor had to grab him and hold him still because he really didn't want to come in the only pair of jeans he had with him.

Kyle's grin was sharp enough to cut. "You can have any of this that you want."

"Can I? I mean could you," he swallowed, hard. "Could you take off your clothes?"

The words were barely out before Kyle was out of his uniform in a brilliant flare of green. It left him in jeans and a tank top that he stripped off quickly. The little wriggling movement he did to get the jeans off would have been worth a video tape of its own but Connor made himself focus on his own clothes. Better they both be naked, right?

"God, you are just about the hottest thing out there," Kyle sighed, and, oh, geez, he was touching himself, one hand moving lazily on his dick. Connor wished he'd saved his video idea for this instead.

"Can I - " Connor reached out, trying not to be as hesitant, as stupid as he felt.

"Have at it." Kyle flopped back on the sleeping bag, his hands behind his head. Gingerly, Connor ran a finger down the side of Kyle's erection, absurdly worried that he was going to do something wrong and then Kyle would change his mind. Then he'd have to just die and he'd never get to do this with someone who was awake.

The way Kyle sighed and pushed up a little into it gave him a little more confidence. He'd touched Kyle's dick before but he hadn't seen it and it was…strange, to be so up close and personal with someone else's. He rubbed a finger over the circumcision scar, under the flared edge of the head and Kyle's sharp groan gave him an idea.

Carefully, he leaned forward and repeated the path with his tongue.

"Ah!" He felt Kyle jerk under him, rested his hands on Kyle's hips with the vague thought of keeping him still. "I - heh - I thought you were a vegan."

"Well, if you don't want me to…"

"Please." Quick, breathy little whisper and Connor felt his own dick just throb. Well, if he really wanted it.

Licked and it didn't taste bad, just a warm, salt taste melting into his mouth. It was entirely too easy to let his mouth fall open and take in a little of it, just the tip. Not really a blowjob, it was a suckjob, he remembered, and he sucked as gently as he could on the taut skin.

"Oh, that's - wait, wait, stop."

Connor flinched back, startled. "What, did I do it wrong?"

"No, no, I just - trust me, you'll like this."

He let Kyle move him, brow wrinkled in confusion as they were both arranged on their sides on the sleeping bag but their heads were nowhere near each other and - the wet touch of Kyle's mouth on him slapped into him and Kyle's dick was within stroking distance and, ohh, yeah, this was a pretty good idea.

It made it a lot harder to concentrate, Kyle's perfectly awake and willing suckjob being about a million times better than the other kind, but Connor was used to working with what he had. Took as much in as he could without choking and used his hands on the rest of it, letting his tongue slide over hot, salty skin until all he could taste was his own spit. It was wetter and messier than he'd meant it to be but from the noises Kyle was making, he didn't think he could be doing that bad a job of it.

A soft, humming sigh buzzed around him and Connor had to freeze, pulled off and closed his eyes tightly until he had just a little control again.

"Had enough of that?" Kyle's mouth was obscenely red and wet. "Let's try something else then. Do tell me, did the sex we were having all week involve you fucking me?"

Not helping with the control. "Not - not as such."

"Good, I'd like to remember taking at least one aspect of your virginity." He reached out and snagged the strap of the bag he'd brought with them. Connor could only blink as Kyle rifled through it and triumphantly brought out a small tube of KY and travel-size pack of condoms.


"What?" Kyle didn't look up as he popped open the package and pulled out a small accordion fold of packets.

"I guess I just thought - with the ring -- "

Kyle rolled his eyes. "It's not the most powerful sex toy in the universe, you know."

"Right, sure." Another myth ruined. "You actually brought condoms with you?"

"It's a standard JLA survival kit." Indignantly.

"I have one and it didn't come with condoms."

"So I added some homey touches." Kyle gave him a quick lazy grin and then his expression shifted into seriousness. "Okay, this might be weird for you, but I need you to use your fingers to stretch me, get some lube inside," Kyle said matter-of-factly. "It's one of those things about guy on guy sex, you have to get the slick pre-packaged."

Connor was very sure his eyes were just going to plop out of his head and then they'd probably get asteroid dust on them, which would suck.

"I can do it myself if you don't want to," Kyle added after a moment.

"No! No, I can do it, I just - " Connor picked up the tube and studied it. "I want to do it."

Kyle rolled over on his stomach and did a few little getting-comfy shifts. The feel of the KY made him think of hair gel, cool and sticky-slick on his fingers and he slipped one finger experimentally into the cleft of Kyle's ass, just sort of -- searching. It wasn't like he'd done this before and the tube of KY was pretty small, he didn't want to waste it and -

"Oh," Connor breathed, felt his eyes go wide and he pressed his finger inside, oh, hot. He could feel Kyle's sudden little arch into it from the inside, thought maybe he could feel Kyle's pulse, pattering fast, unless it was his own. This was, wow, just his finger inside but it was so tight, so hot, and it was like getting hit with a heat ray because he suddenly realized he was going to be inside there, very, very soon.

His chance to make love to Kyle.

Who seemed to really like this, enough to squirm when Connor didn't move and he hastily pressed his finger a little deeper, pulled it out a little and in again. Rubbed the small of Kyle's back with his free hand, absently feeling like he should be soothing him or something, just the way Kyle was panting and moving was so - wow.

"Use another one," Kyle mumbled into the sleeping bag.

Another one, right. It was a lot harder to push in and Connor couldn’t help but think this had to be hurting but Kyle just pushed back into it and groaned. "Did - did you do this with Hal?"

Gaspy laughter. "Connor, there are many rules about sex and one of them is that you do not mention previous lovers when you have your fingers in someone's ass, okay? It's just wrong."

Oh, right.

"S'good enough, anyway." Kyle squirmed away from him and rolled over. He tore one of the condoms off the strip and it was Connor's turn to gasp when Kyle rolled it on him. Too quick movements when he slicked Connor with the last of the KY and pushed him down.

It was...not what he'd expected. Lying on his back with Kyle crouched over him, one hand on Connor's cock, holding him steady, and his eyes were closed so tightly, his lower lip caught tight between his teeth.

"Are you sure this will work?" Please, I want this so much but I don't want to hurt you.

Another laugh, hissed between clenched teeth. "I'm going to break the rule and tell you something. This is not the first time I've had sex with a man, and before you wig, let me add that it isn't the second either, ok?"

He felt it when he slid in the first bare inch, unbearably tight and Connor sucked in a breath, his turn to clench his teeth. "You - you never said."

"You never asked. I'm not a virgin, Connor, I can't give you that. All I can do is make sure this is as good as I can make it." Kyle grinned at him, green eyes glittering. "Let me know how I'm doing, 'kay?

He slid down, just a little more, and Connor was really inside him, really was. His hands fumbled at Kyle's hips and he couldn't stop himself from arching up, just a little, so hot, so good.

Kyle winced, "Easy - easy there, stud, just - let me, okay?"

Connor nodded frantically, stupidly, just anything to make it not stop. Too, too slowly, Kyle pushed up on his knees and then back down, Connor moving inside him just a little. He could see the tremor in Kyle's legs as he rocked so slowly, easing Connor deeper inside.

"Just - just, I can't - dammit -- "

A sudden flare of green light and Connor felt the false gravity reverse itself, shifting him and suddenly he was the one on top, Kyle's legs curled over his shoulders.

"I thought you said it wasn't a sex toy."

"I lied! C'mon, Connor, just do it!" He couldn't stop himself, rolled his hips against Kyle and watched as his eyes rolled back, Kyle slurring out, "Oh, god, yes, just - yeah."

Connor couldn't have said it better. He'd never done this before, never felt this tight, slick heat around his cock but it didn't seem to matter, his body knew just what it was supposed to do. Push in hard and pull back, again, quick-quick rhythm and Kyle was moving so frantically beneath him it was hard to keep it going. Worth every bit of effort he put into it.

Kyle had a hand around his cock, jerking himself frantically and Connor had a dim idea that he should be helping with that. He had both hands braced against the ground and managed to free one, reaching and touching gingerly and Kyle made a sound almost like a scream. "No, no, you just…do that."

Okay, he could do that. Didn't want to ever stop doing that, clenched his fingers into the sleeping bag and thrusting blindly into Kyle as hard as he could manage. Sweat sliding off him and dripping down to dampen Kyle's already wet skin and pretty, yes, beautiful, yes, please, just.

"I love you," Kyle whimpered.

"Oh - I, oh!" Connor's vision went white and Kyle was feverish and hot beneath him, and he made this soft, broken little sound and clenched hard around him and heat just poured over him, through him, so, so, good.

It seemed like days later when he could finally move. Kyle looked…broken. Lips red and bitten and his face crumpled into exhaustion, and he also looked to be in dire need of a shower. Carefully, Connor shifted back enough to let Kyle's legs down and it made him slip out with a little more abruptness than he'd meant.

Kyle winced. "Okay, that? You're going to need some practice on."

"Sorry," Connor said, trying to think of some way to hold Kyle that didn't involve him getting messy, too.

There was another faint flash of green and they were both abruptly being sponged off with what seemed to be living towels. With eyes. And moustaches.

Kyle opened his eyes lazily. "You read like you have subtitles. C'mere."

Well, fine. But it had worked, anyway. Connor settled himself against Kyle's chest, resting his head on his chest and listened to the slowing thud of his heartbeat.

"Connor?" Kyle pressed a kiss against the top of his head. "I just wanted to tell you, I didn't do this with Hal."

Really? "You didn't?"

"Nope." Kyle slid a hand up Connor's back, petting gently. "Who would have guessed he was a bottom?"

He didn't, actually, know of a move in this position that would shut Kyle up without paralyzing him so Connor decided to let that go.

"So, how long are you planning on being an asshole?"

Connor blinked and looked up. "What?"

"I love you, Connor, I want you, Connor, do me, Connor," Kyle mimicked. "Hello? Sound familiar?"

Yes, actually, but - oh. "Gee, Kyle, what do you think we're doing here? I let you feel me up, I let you have sex with me on an asteroid -

"Come on, say it - "

"Do I need to say it with flowers? How about a tattoo?"

"SUCH an asshole."

"Should we watch old Scooby Doo reruns until you find a clue?"

"I hate you," Kyle told him earnestly. "I hate you very much."

"I love you," Connor turned enough to whisper it into his mouth, kissing softly before giving into the tired and flopping back down on his chest. "A lot."

"I love you too, but there is no way I am letting you fall asleep like that."

"Why not?" Connor murmured, not moving.

"Connor, do you have any idea how much you drool in your sleep?"


The Seventh Night

9:23 PM

Kyle was, without question, a complete jerk. Which was why he was upstairs sleeping while Connor was stuck explaining his newfound gayness to his immediate family. Just wait until Kyle decided to tell his mom, Connor was going park his butt on the sofa here and not move…unless Kyle used his ring. Damn.

Such a jerk.

Mia was taking it quite well. She'd barely looked up from the screen of her laptop and that was only to ask if Connor would give some details. And pouted a little when he told her not a chance in hell.

His father…was cutting onions in front of the stove and hadn't said a word.

"So is he moving in, or what?" Mia asked, propping her feet on another chair.

"I'm not sure," Connor looked at his father and tried for a little humor. "It is sort of flattering to have someone flying from the moon to see me."

"Oh, please, I think you've been flattered enough. He was having like, full-blown psychotic episodes just to get into your jeans, how many people get that? Well, maybe to get into your jeans."

"There is that."

"Then you and Kyle are together." Ollie still didn't look at him, his head bent over the chili pot.

"Yeah, Dad. We are." Hesitantly.

"But you're not gay, just sleeping with Kyle."

"I…guess so." He did still think breasts were a very good thing.

"Do you think that counts?" To Mia.

"I'd say as long as they're together, it does."

"Good, good." Ollie pulled a notebook out of his back pocket. "I'd say that I am owed at least five hundred bucks, if not more."

Mia scooted closer. "Did you ever ask the JSA?"

"Yep, I got a Ben Franklin from Alan Scott alone."

Connor wondered if this was what it felt like to fall into another universe. "A Ben Franklin?"

Mia looked up. "He's on the hundred."

On the…"You made a bet?"

"Supes wouldn't put in because he claims he doesn't gamble and I got nothing from Bats either because he didn’t like the odds."

"Cheap bastard."

"You made BETS?" Connor said, louder. "On whether I was gay?"

That made Ollie look up. "Of course not. The bet was on whether or not you'd get a clue and finally get Kyle into the sack."

Oh, well, that made it all better, didn't it?

Mia flipped through the book, "Ollie, don't tell me you never asked the Titans."

"That was YOUR gig, you didn't get odds on it for them?"

"I got MY Titans, I didn't go after the whole past yearbook crew!"

Connor sighed. Yes, this was his family. "Fine, I'm going upstairs to have sex and you guys can keep whoring out my preferences to your friends."

"You do that, son," Ollie said absently, then louder. "But only with Kyle!"

Not a problem. Not at all.


Six days, 17,000 words, and an entire package of batteries for my MP3 player later, and it is done! I am going to go remind myself what the sun looks like now. *G* Hope y'all enjoyed it, and if you did, drop me a comment, pretty please? They get me happy. ;)

[fandom] green lantern, [fandom] dc comics

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