FIC: Six Days, Seven Nights 5/6 (Connor/Kyle, NC-17)

Jun 24, 2005 11:21

Six Days, Seven Nights
by Keelywolfe
Fandom: DC Universe
Pairing: Connor/Kyle, (Green Arrow/Green Lantern)
Rated NC-17 (I'm gonna say yeah. *G*)

Notes: Day Five which means tomorrow is the last day. Enjoy it while you can....

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Just playing with them. Thank you.

Summary: Who can sleep when there is sex to be had??

Day Five


5:37 AM

Connor was afraid to move.

Something was going to happen, he knew, and it was going to happen soon. Any minute now the sleeping, snoring man next to him was going to roll over and start doing…things to him.

A handjob? Been there. Early morning frott? Had the t-shirt to prove it. A little mouth action, yeah, yeah, it had been done.

So what would it be this morning? Wondering was making it very difficult for Connor to decide exactly how to lie on the bed. Every position seemed ripe with potential for the Green Lantern and his Kinky Sleepwalking of Doom, and any second now he was going to do something.

Any second.

Why wasn't he doing anything?

There was enough light filtering in for Connor to see the floral pattern on the wallpaper so it was long past dawn. Kyle had never slept this long before without…doing something.

Very carefully, Connor rolled over so he was facing him. A drool-free bed being the better part of sleeping, he'd invested in a few more pillows so Kyle had his own. He slept with his arms wrapped around it, squeezing the poor thing's stuffing so hard Connor wondered if he was going to pop it and add feathers to their morning ritual. Why not, it had already been established that this was kinky. All they needed was some handcuffs and chocolate syrup and they'd pass the final.

Kyle hadn't shaved the day before and without really thinking, Connor reached out and very lightly touched his face. Stubble scraped the pad of his finger as he traced the line of Kyle's jaw. It felt weird, interesting, to feel it on someone else face.

It seemed like this was going to be a porn-free morning. Was it the extra pillows? Did Kyle not feel the need to molest his bed partners if he had a pillow to rub on during the night? Or maybe he actually wasn't getting enough sleep; they had gone to sleep fairly early. Kyle had dropped almost the moment his head had touched the fresh, new pillows, leaving Connor to read his books in the semi-peace of his quiet snoring.

Or maybe the daily talks Kyle had with J'onn really were making progress, it - oh. Connor winced. He was supposed to tell J'onn if things got weird and even if the rest was simple enough, yesterday's sleeping suck off was probably in the category of weird, in the folder marked 'extremely'.


He barely held back a yelp when Kyle suddenly grabbed his hand. He'd half forgotten he was even touching Kyle, just letting his fingertips drift over the man's face and Kyle had caught him just as he touched his lips.

Well, hello, awkward morning. "Sorry, Kyle, I-eep!" Okay, that was a yelp but he could be excused since Kyle had chosen that moment to stick Connor's fingers in his mouth and started sucking on them. Ran his tongue over the callused pads, ticklish soft and made this happy little sound, sucking wetly. It felt extremely strange and, oh, better than it should and thinking about how hard he suddenly was only made it worse. Kyle's eyes were closed and he inhaled sharply through his nose as he curled his tongue into the sensitive skin between Connor's fingers.

Closed eyes. Still asleep.

Connor wasn't sure who to thank for that but he sent a brief prayer up to whoever might be listening.

Slowly, Kyle pulled Connor's fingers free with a wet pop and rubbed them over his lips, giving Connor a quick flash of pink tongue as he licked at the tips before pushing it down his chest. Connor's hand got a brief feel of soft, smooth skin; Kyle was surprisingly hairless until you got to just below his bellybutton and the smooth trail of hair that led - oh.

Kyle still slept in nothing more than his boxer-briefs and why not, he only thought he'd been flashing teenage girls in the night. He still had no idea he was kidnapping his friend's hands and pushing them right past the elastic waistband and right inside where it was damp and, whoa, hot and Connor's hand just sort of wrapped itself around what it found inside and held on.

This was - oh, geez, he was holding his friend's cock and it was really hard and the skin was silk-soft, and hair from Kyle's balls was brushing his knuckles, and fuck, Connor was so hard.

Apparently, he hadn't done anything fast enough to suit Kyle, who grabbed his hand through the boxers, trapping it between the cotton and the, oh, hot, skin and sort of pushing Connor's hand into moving. The angle was weird and the shape not quite the same but yeah, he knew how to do this. How hard to make it good, how to rub his thumb over the wet tip and Kyle gasped, burying his face into the side of Connor's neck, breathing heavily.

Tipped his head up and kissed him, so softly, just the tip of his tongue against Connor's lips and hesitantly, he parted them, let Kyle's tongue glide into his mouth so he could touch it with his own. His breath was sour with sleep, his tongue tender and so gentle, just like his hand when it slipped into Connor's sweatpants that he had worn because he knew what Kyle was doing in the night.

He knew everything Kyle was doing.

Connor wasn't sure if Kyle was matching his rhythm or if he was doing it, all he could think was that it felt so amazingly good. Kyle's hand was softer without archer's calluses but still strong, holding him and stroking him

"Kyle," he breathed, shivering and prickling with goosebumps when Kyle ran his tongue lightly over his lips. The scrape of his stubble burned Connor's cheeks and it made him whimper, made him jerk harder and Kyle moaned into his mouth, shaking, kissing him hard and deep and wet, oh, wet in his hand, hot rush of wetness and Connor was coming so hard he saw lights dancing behind his eyes.

He was still trembling with it when Kyle rolled away, back to his pillow and settled into snoring again.

Connor was afraid to move.

Kyle was asleep and his hand was wet but no wetter than his crotch and -

It was as close to a miracle as possible that Kyle didn't wake up when Connor scrambled out of the bed and out of the room and into the shower where he stood under the harshest setting on the spray and let it pound on him while he wondered exactly what the hell he was doing.

No answers came.


6:01 AM

"Are you all right?" Mia was standing in the doorway, backpack over her shoulder and a piece of toast in her hand.

"I'm fine." Connor didn't look up from the television. Spongebob was actually not a bad show, he'd decided. "Why wouldn't I be fine? Does someone think I'm not fine? Did Kyle say something?"

"Gee, no reason, Zen master. Did they switch your Sanka on you?"

"I haven't been sleeping well."

"Hey, neither would I if I was sharing the sheets with the hottie you landed." Connor's heart promptly landed in his shoes and only resumed beating when Mia laughed. "Kidding, you dork! God, the look on your face." She was wheezing with laughter, leaning against the doorjamb and Connor couldn't even work up a decent glare. "Anyway, I'm off. Take a nap later or Ollie is going to clip your arrows for another night."

"Yes, mom," he mumbled and slouched back on the sofa. In a moment of defiance he propped his feet up on the coffee table, curled his toes on the edge of the wood. It actually was a pretty comfortable way to sit.


Connor jerked guiltily and then bit his lip when he saw it wasn't his father. Kyle was drinking a cup of coffee with the expression Mia usually had, which meant he'd be taking it intravenously if he could.

He looked back at the television and the sponge show. "Are you going to talk to J'onn today?"

"Yeah, I talk to him every day." Kyle took a deep drink and finished the cup before plunking it down on the coffee table two inches west of a coaster. "Well, it's not really talking, more like I sit there and let him do things to my brain…which is really sort of creepy now that I'm thinking about it."

You do not know creepy.

"Can I come with you?"

That got him a look, a suspicious one, and Connor braced himself for the questions that he was not going to answer until he got a chance to speak to the JLA's resident Martian/mindreader. Not that Kyle didn't deserve an answer but just that Connor had no idea what the answers were just yet and he didn't want to deal --


Connor blinked. "Oh. Good."

"Have you eaten yet? Because I'm not a bad cook, I could make breakfast. I make a great omelet…hmm, no. But I can make…hmm." Kyle flopped on the sofa, the top of his head just brushing Connor's thigh. His eyes were very green and his smile was - Connor sighed. This was so not good.

"Tell you what," Kyle said, and he sat up. "Why don't we go out to breakfast, my treat? I sort of owe you for turning your house into my own personal bed and breakfast."

"I - " Connor's mind was blank. "All right."

"Cool, let me just shower and change. Glad I brought clothes this time. At the rate I'm sleeping over, I just about might as well move in," Kyle laughed and he disappeared upstairs.

Connor buried his face in his hands. Help me, Martian Manhunter, you're my only hope.


11:45 PM

Although he had long suspected it, today seemed to be all about confirming his suspicions.

The world was against him.

First there had been the volcano erupting in San Salvador which was Kyle's to deal with, and then the riot on a college campus in California which J'onn had sent him to deal with since he was around, and then a dam in India took the time to collapse just for them; Connor knew it had done it deliberately.

Where the hell was Superman when you needed him?

Just when he was starting to be certain he'd never have a chance to just talk to J'onn, he was here and he had no idea what to say. They were sitting in J'onn's quarters and Connor tried not to be too interested in any of the more unusual aspects of the décor while he tried to figure out what to say. At least the supplies at the Watchtower were generally topnotch; if he was going to fake having his attention completely taken up with a cup of tea, it may as well be good tea.

"You're concerned about the sexual nature of your relationship Kyle."

Connor nearly choked on his tea. "How did you - oh. You read my mind."

"Not at all. I would never infringe on your privacy."

"Then how - "

"I have been scanning Kyle's mind for the past few days. During his sleepwalking incidents he is not traditionally conscious but his subconscious is aware of what is happening. With that in mind, it wasn't difficult to guess why you wanted to talk."

"I guess not," Connor mumbled. J'onn sipped his tea calmly and watched him. It made him want to squirm and just move until J'onn couldn't look at him anymore. He resisted it, determinedly drinking his own tea. "I'm worried about him."

"And yet, you don't tell him any of this."

"He'd be embarrassed!" That he would be too, Connor didn't say.


"And hurt that I didn't tell him sooner."

"Why didn't you?"

"Why didn't YOU tell him?" Connor blurted. "You've known! I thought you were helping him!"

"I am." J'onn's expression never changed. "But he isn't making love to me."

Making love.


Just the words made something heavy in his chest shift and ache. Not just a handjob in the morning or a ruboff or whatever, but making love. Sitting here with J'onn knowing and Kyle not, and he hadn't said anything…oh. Suddenly, Connor couldn’t look at J'onn anymore. He felt…dirty.

Ollie would laugh. Roy probably would too.

Mia wouldn't.


"You didn't object and I hoped that his actions while asleep would help determine the why of it." J'onn added, calmly. Usually he found talking with J'onn to be very soothing. Not today. "Your being here now, however, leads me to believe that you do object. Why didn't you say something before?"

Connor didn't look up. "I'm not really sure."

"Have you considered that this is perhaps another manifestation of Kyle's wishes?"

It made his heart freeze. "You think I want this because Kyle wants me to?"

J'onn lifted a hand, palm up. "No. I asked if you considered it. It wouldn't be the first time that Kyle has inadvertently caused a manifestation with his subconscious."

It was possible, wasn't it? That all of this was being caused by some screwed up little piece of Kyle's subconscious and maybe now that they knew about it, they could stop it. Connor could go back to his nice, normal, well, as normal as it got, life and find a nice girl and…no.

"No. He's not doing this." Connor set his cup aside and stood. "I think I need to talk to Kyle.

"No other great events have occurred on Earth today that would require his attention. I suggest you try his rooms."

Great, no pressure. Just walk up to one of his closest friends and tell him they'd been having sex every night for a week.

No trouble at all.

Connor wondered if any more volcanoes could erupt today but didn't get his hopes up. It had already been proved, after all, that the world was against him.

He wasn't going to expect any favors now.

End Day Five
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