Fic: Pleading the Fifth 1/1 (Young Justice, R)

Apr 07, 2005 23:40

Pleading the Fifth
by Keelywolfe
Fandom: Young Justice
Pairing: Erm…oh, all right. Robin/Superboy/Impulse. Sort of.
Rated R

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Just playing with them. Thank you.

Summary: Superman mentioned in Young Justice #6 that there were 'visual logs' kept of their old JLA headquarters and it just made me think, who would be the most likely person….uh huh. Hey, I was bored. So shoot me. *G*


If the world had been fair, Tim would be eating pizza right now. Or watching Kon and Bart wrestle over the remote control, or fighting the multitudes of evil in a never ending battle towards righteousness or even, god forbid, sleeping. Or at the very least he wouldn't be here.

It was a very clear demonstration from the universe that the world was indeed not fair, and Batman was looking at him with the Look and Tim wondered why emergencies never happened when you really needed them. Because the hypothesis of the unfairness of the world had been proven. Right.

He crossed his arms over his chest, feeling strangely naked in his Robin costume so far from the city and easy cover. There weren’t any trees this close to the entrance of the headquarters, the moon was high enough to banish any protection the night offered in such a clearing and besides, Batman had already taken the best shadow. The prerogative of the senior partner. That and the fact that he never had to actually start the conversations.

Tim made sure he only sighed in his head.

"So, JLA's been keeping visual logs of all our activities? I'm guessing that you were keeping the closest tabs."

Silence. The Batman form of a yes.


It wasn't difficult to keep his face completely bland or to ignore his sudden need to study the rocks at his feet. Years of practice had cured him of any visible effort in a lie but none of that stopped the damned blush that he could feel heating his face and he knew Batman wouldn't miss it even without him faking an abrupt interest in geology.

"I'm sure it was very informative." Tim was particularly proud of the evenness in his voice. Not that it would earn him any points but he might as well please himself. Nothing in this conversation was going to make Batman happy, he knew that much.

Batman looked at him for a long moment. "It was."

Tim sighed mentally. Was there really any point in trying to out-cool Batman? He could probably spit out an ice cube on command if he ever had a pressing need for it. "I know exactly what you're talking about, so could we stop with the dance?"

"Then you understand my concern."

"I understand that you watched. But they haven't?" He forced himself to make it a question even though everything pointed in the direction of no. Batman's silent headshake confirmed it and that was one small favor in the world. Batman was one thing, but the very thought that Wonder Woman might have been watching the tapes was enough to make his testicles try to return to the homeland and his mental sighs were leaning towards a cerebral form of hyperventilation. There were some things even a Teen Wonder couldn't be expected to deal with on such short notice, or, well, ever.

Do not look at your feet, do not look at your feet. "I take it you watched the entire recording."

"What do you think?"

He felt his blush spread to his hairline, God, just the thought of Bruce, of Batman. Bad enough that Red Tornado had actually been there but he hadn't brought it up. Tim was guessing either he didn't care or he still had enough humanity in him to be tactful. Batman could be counted on for many things but tact? Not really one of them.

"It wasn't exactly my idea," Tim said, and immediately wished he hadn't. Refusal to take responsibility for actions indicated shame or denial, or both, and he was neither. Complete, dying humiliation was really not the same.

"Impulse," Batman said, rolling the word in his mouth like someone else might taste wine, only from his expression, Tim was guessing it was more along the lines of say, Mad Dog 20/20 than Dom Perignon.

Unwillingly, Tim grinned. "The name suits him."

"You went with the suggestion willingly enough."

And yeah, he was blushing enough that his mask might melt off but Tim looked straight at him. "Yes, I did."

"That's what concerns me. It makes me worry about what else they might persuade you to do."

Tim scowled, "I really don't see how one circle jerk would endanger…"

"Unless you consider what you were watching the entire time, or rather, who."

It probably wasn’t possible to die of embarrassment but Tim was really starting to consider giving it a try. "Dick slept with an alien."

"And you think a clone of one is a step up?"

Tim nearly snapped out a reply until he caught the faint amusement. Very faint. "Maybe I just like variety. As for everything else, that's just…it's a normal guy thing. It is," he insisted because Batman hadn't said anything but the things he didn't say spoke louder anyway. "Standard passage of manhood trial for a large percentage of the population."

"And you don't get enough of that from Nightwing?"

"That's completely different, that-" Tim snapped his mouth shut the minute he realized how neatly he'd been trapped, bit his tongue so hard he tasted copper because that was the oldest trick in the book, dammit, hinting just enough to get a subject to confirm all your suspicions and just keep nudging until they gave you enough rope to tie them in a bow. He wondered why he and Dick even thought they'd been keeping it secret.

Batman didn't look upset, more like mildly curious. Or something.

"It’s really none of your business." If nothing else, this conversation was really giving him a lot of practice in using his version of the Voice.

"No, it's not. Your sexual inclinations are your own to express or otherwise."

Tim blinked. "Then why-"

Another look that didn't speak so much as smack him upside the head, and Jesus, Kon thought he was a control freak.

He waited by the entrance until his blush had subsided to acceptable levels before walking back into the main room. Kon was curled into his sleeping bag, snoring, and Bart was inspecting the truly impressive stack of pizza boxes, probably hoping a slice had been spared.

Tim was really almost afraid to ask Bart where he'd heard of the concept of a circle jerk because he absolutely knew Bart would tell him and if there was some information that he could live the rest of his life happily never knowing, that was certainly in the top ten.

Just a circle jerk. None of them had so much as kissed, no real gay content here, but now he knew exactly what Impulse looked like with his eyes closed, the tip of his tongue pressed against his teeth and the way he jerked himself so fast his hand was only a blur, and Kon was slower, steadier, but still somehow perfectly him, the strong flex of his wrist working his cock.

The both of them with their eyes closed, not seeing him watching, couldn't anyway with the mask. Watching as Impulse tipped his head back and made a sweet, sharp little sound, seeing what that did to Kon, the knowledge that someone within touching distance had just come right next to him, close enough to smell the heaviness of it in the air. The taste of sweat on his upper lip as he just watched, his own dick in his hand almost an afterthought because neither of them were circumcised and he'd just wanted to watch them, hotter than just about anything he'd ever thought of, watching them both losing it within a minute of each other and he'd come so hard just from watching them. He wondered suddenly how difficult it would be to get a copy of that tape, if Bruce had kept it on the computer for…for reference or something, don't even consider any other reason than that and-


Tim blinked as Bart was suddenly very close to him and twitched his cape more snugly around him.

"You okay? You were just standing there forever and you look sorta-" Bart waggled his hand to indicate some state of mind between weirdo and freaking bonkers.

"I'm fine."

His goggles were up and Bart…Impulse was close enough that Tim could feel his breath, the warm pizza and cola scent of it. "You sure? Cool, cause, see, I heard about this thing called a daisy chain and…"


"…and it really."

"Absolutely not."

Bart could give classes in pouting, if he ever managed to stay past taking roll. That soft little lower lip, pushed out and…"But--"

"NO. No, no, and no. In that order."

Tim kicked off his boots and slid into his own sleeping bag, determined to tune out any other suggestions Bart tried to send his way.

At least until they found a place without cameras.


[fandom] dc comics, [fandom] teen titans

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