Fic: While All the Little Children Sleep 1/1 (Young Justice, Robin/Superboy, PG-13)

Mar 20, 2005 20:23

While All the Little Children Sleep
by Keelywolfe
Fandom: Young Justice
Pairing: Robin/Superboy (Tim/Kon), implied Robin/Other
Rated PG-13

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Just playing with them. Thank you.

Notes: Spoilers for #7. Because none of MY games of truth or dare ever ended that innocently. ;) In the interest of curious people being able to enjoy this story, I've uploaded Young Justice #7 and you can download it here.

Summary: Kon asks a question and Robin's answer just sucks.


Okay, so the question had been asked before, but it wasn’t like it didn’t make it a perfectly good question, a time-honored tradition in the game of Truth or Dare. And it wasn’t like it someone probably wasn’t going to use it again because, really, the point of the game was to take a snoop in the shallow end of someone’s life and it wasn’t like anyone really cared about how many times you’ve been grounded or if you could belch the alphabet or just how many time you’d saved the world. They wanted to hear about the good stuff and this question was the first step down the path.

"So tell us about your first time…first kiss."

Besides, he really wanted to see what it would take to make Robin twitch.

Wasn’t gonna be this turn. "It was…nice."

Cassie looked about three seconds from laughing and Cissie was sort of smiling and blushing at the same time in a way that was actually kind of appealing and Bart…okay, Bart probably hadn’t even heard the question or else Robin’s sex life, or lack of one, had nothing on the s’more tower he was plowing through.

So it was up to him to complain, which was fine. Where Robin was concerned, he was getting used to it. "Nice?" Kon demanded. "Nice? This is the big confession? This is the dirt? It was nice?" He shook his head in disgust. "Old ladies are nice. Puppies are nice. Superman is nice. Kisses aren’t supposed to be nice."

Robin had that look on his face that said he wasn’t impressed with this attempt to kick his ego into gear. Any gear, other than neutral, or maybe even reverse. Kon was starting to wonder if Robin actually had testosterone or if he’d had to hand it over with the rights to his face when he’d become Robin. There was something to be said for only having to stand in Superman’s shadow.

"This one was." Robin was neatly arranging a square of chocolate on a graham cracker. Probably the exact amount required in proportion to the marshmallow in order to make the perfect s’more. And people thought clones were freaks.

And his answer still sucked. “Aren’t you even going to tell us who?”

"That’s not what you asked." Okay, and that was an actual smirk. He took it back, Robin had to still have some balls to him because he could be a colossal prick when he wanted to.

“He’s right, you only asked him to tell us about it,” Secret broke in, and sure, trust the creepy ghost girl to side with him.

"Aw, c’mon, man, you knew what I meant!" Yes, he was whining but it felt good to whine because nice? Man, that was such a sucky answer and someone who had been trained by the World’s Greatest Detective should be able to come up with better than that and Kon told him so.

“Then next time ask better questions,” Robin said, and refused to say more on it. Because he was SUCH a prick, and Kon sulked for as long as he could before Bart dared Cassie to eat five marshmallows in one minute and he forgot about sucky answers in favor of laughing at Cassie’s bulging cheeks and sparkling eyes.


He didn’t think about it again until later, much later when everyone else was snoring away and he was still up, staring into the campfire like maybe it had some answers to some of his questions. Maybe even answers to things he didn’t know to ask.

Except it didn’t and maybe it wasn't good to wander into deep thoughts when it was nearly to the ass crack of dawn, so better to think about Robin and his non-answer. He was a little drowsy to be turning things over in his mind but, come on, nice? Who describes a kiss as nice? And what guy doesn’t want to do at least a little bragging about the pretty girl herself, even a guy with debatable levels of testosterone?

It was only a theory, but Kon thought he might have actually figured out why and it hadn't been because the campfire had suddenly decided to speak up.

Kon wasn’t a detective, okay, and no one ever complimented him, sarcastically or otherwise, on his deductive reasoning but he didn’t ride the short bus to school either. Or he wouldn’t have if he’d kept going, or, well, whatever. He was no Batman but he could figure things out and Robin didn't do anything without a reason. So there had to be a reason, right, a method behind his madness and there was only one good one that Kon could think of.

If Robin wasn’t telling them about the first girl he’d kissed? It was because they would KNOW who he was talking about. It was elementary, my dear Watson.

So, the question was, who?

They didn’t know that many women in common. Wonder Woman? Not a chance and Kon actually squicked a little that he’d even thought of it. Not that she wasn’t a beauty and a half but…no. No way. There was always Batgirl; he did spend most of his time in Gotham, but…it seemed sorta hinky. Robin brought the golden two-shoes into goodie, he couldn’t imagine that making out with Batgirl would be on his short list of things he could do without getting busted.

So who?

"You know, the wheels turning in your head are keeping me awake."

And if it wasn’t the early bird himself. Not completely unexpected since he doubted Robin was actually in bed at this hour normally. Robin was still wearing his uniform, even his cape, for crying out loud, how did someone sleep in a cape? The mask, okay, but Kon didn't really think it would compromise his identity too much if they saw his boxer shorts. Or if it would, Kon really didn't want to know why.

The fire wasn’t going as strongly as it had been a few hours ago but it was still plenty warm, and Robin sat down next to Kon, drawing up his knees so he could rest his chin on them. It made his cape fall so it covered him from neck to ankle and Kon could just see his hands clasped around his knees. Bare hands, wow. On Robin that was about as revealing as boxer shorts would have been.

Robin wasn't looking at him, but the fire didn't seem any more inclined to talk to him as it had to Kon. “I know you sleep, so why aren’t you?”

Kon shrugged. "Dunno. Just waiting to be tired enough, I guess."

The sound Robin made could have been an agreement or just…some weird Robin thing. Interplanetary Man of Mystery, with his mask double layered and his boxer shorts hidden from all. The secrets of his first kiss hidden under lock and a key shaped in the word of 'nice'.

It was still a sucky answer.

"Who was the first person you kissed? C'mon, I won’t tell. Seriously." He hadn’t actually meant to blurt it out like that which was probably a sign that he was spending entirely too much time around Impulse. Not that he actually thought Boy Secret was going to tell him but man, it was just about to drive him crazy because he knew he was right, it had to be some girl they both knew and…


Or maybe there were some secrets it was really better NOT to know. Kon just about had to use his TK to keep his eyeballs from rolling out and that was a use of his power that he had never even considered. "Dude! You kissed your brother!"

It was really interesting how much a mask didn’t hide when someone was rolling their eyes. "He isn’t, in fact, my brother. More of a mentor on the side."

"And that's better?!" It put an image in his head of him kissing Superman, and, oh, man, just nasty, and he’d have to gargle with Clorox to get that image out of his head.

"Besides, it wasn’t really his fault. It was chemical poisoning of a sort. You know, you wouldn’t believe how often that happens; it’s always a sex chemical or pollen or drink. I think a quarter of the criminal world is made up of people trying to invent new, illegal ways of getting laid."


“Yeah. I think every hero out there has had to deal with some psychotropic aphrodisiac at some time or another.”

Kon grinned. “Something to look forward to, then.”

“I suppose. You might keep it in mind whenever you work with other heroes, anyway. Just in case.”

Okay, that was a good point. Not all heroes looked like they’d just stepped out of Fashionable Spandex Monthly.

“Like Martian Manhunter.”

“Or the Specter.”

"Oh, man. Dubbilex, with those horns and…" Robin looked faintly green and Kon wasn’t feeling completely non-hurlish himself.

"So…he kissed you."

Robin nodded, his chin rubbing against his knees made a weird scratching sound, like maybe he needed to shave. "Yeah. He did."

"So how was it?"

"How was it?" Robin repeated, blankly. Kon rolled his eyes and, geez, this guy! At least he hadn’t said it was nice.

"Yeah, how was it? How did he kiss?"

"I don’t know. Like someone kisses, I guess."

"You’re supposed to be some great detective and you don’t have any details?" Kon glared at him. He wasn't asking for a novel or anything. Robin made reports that included the temperature and general weather of the day in them, and probably how many bathroom trips all his teammates had taken; he could come up with something better than that.

"What kind of details are you expecting? You’ve kissed people, I’ve SEEN you!"

"I’ve never kissed a guy!"

"Well, he doesn’t have a forked tongue or anything so I don’t see what the difference is."

"And all he did was kiss you?"

"Yeah. Luckily, those kinds of drugs tend to be a little distracting, so I knocked him out."

"You knocked out Nightwing?" A little skeptical, because Robin was good but he’d seen Nightwing.

"Even he can’t shake off a taser that easily."

"You TASERED him? For kissing you?" And he’d thought Batman was rough around the edges.

Robin looked a little miffed; he probably regretted saying as much as he had, but this was too good to let go of now, Kon wanted details, he wanted diagrams and a complete slide show of this. He wanted the Special Edition DVD with deleted scenes. "Hey, kissing is one thing. I was about to get bent over a seat on public transportation. Couldn’t you see the headlines for that one?"

Yeah, that couldn’t be good. Boy Wonder getting nailed in full color glossy, an extra fiver for the 8x10. "I guess you should consider it lucky that kissing is all he did. Or that you didn’t get dosed too."

"I guess I should."

"You guess?" See, he could do the shrewd dark detective bit, too.

That was definitely a smirk. "Have you seen Nightwing?"

"Yeah, but…" More thoughtfully. "I guess if you were gonna, he’d be…whoa."

"Yeah, there was a lot of whoa. And a bunch of wait and stop and…" Robin shook his head.

"What did he say when he woke up?"

"Nothing. I’m not even sure he remembers it and I wasn’t about to tell him."

"Why?" Kon was mystified. There had already been kissing and the possibility…okay, a little too-public sex, but he would have thought that with privacy resumed, that would be the best time to mention it.

"Why would I?" If there was one thing that made the way Robin drove him apeshit worth it, it was the fact that, from the look on Robin's face, the feeling seemed to be way mutual. "Do you really think he was going to pick up where he left off? Or that I really wanted him to? We work together and there’s Batman, and…I’m not even sure there is a word for how awkward that would be."

And the Batboys seemed to have reinvented the words fucked up. The only thing that was more fucked up was how very little that shocked Kon.

At least he'd gotten his question answered. Part of it, anyway.

"So, what, you’re like, gay or something?"

Robin actually laughed, softly. "I’ve talked with metahumans, aliens, goddesses, and even the occasional normal human. I’m not particularly concerned with titles anymore."

"But…seriously. What was it like? I mean," he rushed to add when Robin looked like he was actually thinking about how difficult it might be to find Kryptonite. "Was it…was it good?"

He didn’t really think he’d been angling for it, but if he hadn’t been, Kon wasn’t really sure what he’d been hoping for.

"It was a lot like this." Sometimes Kon was really sure that Robin could move as fast as Impulse because how else could he be suddenly next to him, one bare hand cupping Kon's cheek, before Kon even figured out what he meant. His mouth was hot and so soft, the press of his tongue against Kon's lower lip nothing more than a coax that he opened up to, so perfectly gentle and he tasted like marshmallows and toothpaste, like it was some new Robin flavor and they’d market it with even more tasty Robin goodness and better whiteners.

He pulled back so slowly that Kon actually followed him, breathing into his mouth before he realized what he was doing and snapped back. Robin didn’t go far, crouching in front of Kon and while he watched, Robin licked his lower lip and it made him just….

"You liar."

Robin stiffened. "What’s that supposed to mean?"

"You’re so full of it! You said Nightwing had been dosed with the sex pollen things," Kon scowled. "So there is no way he kissed you like that." And it was true, yeah, but the shift in Robin's expression gave him about ten seconds to realize that maybe he really should spend more time away from Impulse and learn to watch his mouth.

"All right," Robin said, coolly, and, oh, man, Christ on toast, this wasn't right. "He kissed me more like this."

And it wasn't possible that his mouth could be that hard, that starving. His hands were clenched in Kon's hair like he could possibly hold him there and Kon had the crazy thought that maybe he could, with just the way he was sucking on Kon's tongue like he was dying for it, like it was the most important thing in the universe right now.

Kon whimpered and just, oh, god, just held on and let Robin attack his mouth and he wasn't entirely sure when Robin had climbed into his lap, but he was pressed against him and Kon tangled his hands in the startling weight of his cape and he could taste blood that couldn't be his own. Robin licked his teeth, his tongue, his mouth was so hot, it almost felt like it was burning him and…

It was gone and Robin was standing in front of him and he was...smirking.

He really was a prick.

"We should really get some sleep," Robin said, in his prim little I'm-the-leader-and-I-know-best voice, like he wasn't standing there with his mouth swollen and a little cut on his lower lip, and Kon would bet the Supercycle that if that cape wasn't covering him those tights wouldn't be hiding much. No wonder he wore the cape to bed.

He didn't wait for Kon to answer him, just turned on his heel and headed back to the tent. Only, there was one more thing.


He stopped, looked over his shoulder. Kon couldn't see his mouth.

"I really won’t tell."

Something about his expression, even with his eyes hidden behind the mask, made a shiver climb Kon’s spine, and reminded him of just who Robin’s mentor really was. "No. You won’t."

He slipped silently into the tent and Kon counted to one hundred, slowly, with a Mississippi between each one before he finally doused the fire and followed him. It was just a good thing that truth or dare usually asked about first kisses and not best kisses but…maybe next time Kon would break that rule.

It was, after all, a perfectly good question.


[fandom] dc comics, [fandom] teen titans

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