um...what was that noise?

Sep 10, 2007 13:04

So I'm sitting in the"studying" (I'll get to that in a min I promise!) and there is a pillar thing behind me with a big mean sign that says "PLEASE OBSERVE QUIET IN THE LIBRARY" (to which my first thought is, how do was watch quite without being all creepy stocker-ish staring pple down?) and then it reads "NO FOOD OR DRINK IN BUILDING" to which I just sip my Chi at and snack on my Odowala bar.

Under the sign is a box. very small, grayish-tan box with slits around the side. It may not sound familure, but I'm confident you've seen one before. it just emitted this hissing noise. right be hind my head. the hissing noise sounds very much like poisonous gas being released!!! Ah! the other one is doing it now!!! (there is another poll thing in front of me...with another box)!!!

Not that I would know what "poisonous gas" being released sounds like, being that I have, to my knowledge, never been poisoned by gas or been within hearing distance of said gas being just creeps me out being that i'm the crazy parinoied type. (ok, one of the spell check options for my attempt of spelling parinoied was cheeseburger...what is the internets coming to!?)

IN OTHER NEWS (not that I seem to have lived through the gasing...)
Mom's playing a MMORPG! I so want to play! its LOTR too!! (sorry Kels for the total geek speak. I know you don't really mind or care but that's Massive Multipalyer Online Role Playing Game for Lord of the Rings....but maybe you already knew what that meant seeing on how you're attracting more and more geek friends :D I love you!!!)

um...yes I am attempting to be entertaining...

I read my antro book for something like 4-5 hours yesterday (I was at a place where I could not get online) and gave my self a really big headache doing that. the headache has not gone away. So i'm dreading reading the next two chapters in that book and the next chapter in my hermeneutics book that has really small print. Its like size 9 font, and the book weighs like 15lbs. so not fair. plus, that book sucks b/c I only comprehend 1/2 of it. So, as you can see, I really don't want to start my hmwk for the day. and I do this awful thing where I start with the hardest of my hmwk (hermeneutics) and go down in degree of difficulty until I'm done. Problem that I'm finding with that this term, I'm ONLY doing the hard stuff and not getting to my other hmwk. *sigh* maybe I'll go the other way today so that I at least get something done as apposed to spending the whole time on hermeneutics.


I have star ice cubes in my freazer b/c I went to Ikea this weekend. ^.^ really cool stuff. v.v really crappy building. You have to build anything you buy from Ikea...this is a very bad thing for me and Kels (palmer not west) and Matt. Trav was there too. But out of the 4 of us, the most inclined to building things was Trav, and he left early. the entertainment system (that Kels got for her apartment) did not come out right the first three times. I think we were closer on the fourth... sounds like Kels' dad fixed it though.

I'm dreaming about boys again... Last night I dreamed there was this guy (hot guy that I don't know in RL (real life)) and he was giving out applications to be his girlfriend (NO THIS WAS NOT MATT, as I typed that I suddenly realized where that idea came from. for those who don't know, yes Matt really did come up with a dating application. This guy (the dream guy) looked more like a guy in my class, Brice but not quite and he was all tall...and *smerk* well you know my other required quality ^.- (ITS NOT DIRTY! so don't even think it!)) anyway, I applied *shakes head - this sounds a whole lot more crazier then when I woke up this morning* and he was all shocked that I applied, but I didn't seem to really mean it...or something...(theres that gas noise again...ah!) then we got on this elevator, to go to the 3rd floor (there were only 3 floors) but the elevator didn't stop at the third floor, it kept going (without leaving the building) and it got faster and faster and freaked me out so much that I woke up. disturbing things seem to wake me up.

i really should go read for over some of this I don't see how anyone keeps reading what I write... I must really annoy you with the ADD-ness of topic changes... ^-^

kk. LOVE you. even if I haven't talked to you in a while...I've meant to. really I have.

gas, geek speek, crazy, ikea

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