Dec 02, 2006 00:11
Dear Monday night's dream:
You were quite strange, I must admit, and it set me to wondering a lot about my life. I don't think I'll divulge all that much, since I still seem to be puzzling it all out, but you were for sure the most realistic dream I've ever had. Especially one part I seem to recall about a serious make-out. Oops, divulsion. I don't know if that's a word; well, it is now...
Yours truly,
A puzzled Keely
Yeah, so basically I've had a lot of strange dreams this past week, Monday's being the most prominent of which. It makes me wonder... I think I've only told Katie and Claire about it, and the three of us were in hysterics and a state of wow-that's-pathetic-but-at-the-same-time-kind-of-possible-and-maybe-rather-endearing type of awe. What would you do without your friends to talk to? I would probably spontaneously combust. I combust, you combust, he, she, we combust... Sorry, inside joke from chemistry last year. Oh Berns...
Anyways, Sarah comes home in about two weeks! That should rule. Also, I'm going to NYC for three days over winter break to see Broadway shows like WICKED and visit friends like Lea, Sam, and Kyle who live there; Jill is coming up from Georgia and is staying with Lea, and Ari and Danae are coming all the way from Spain! Whee - ASA reunion: part 1! Now all we need is my Italian lover and my life partner from Cali. Oh, and of course two Spanish boys and my Greensbororean other half: Ashley. Then we'd be complete.
Also, exams are in less than two weeks, and my confidence in every class is completely shot. Perhaps because I don't understand a single problem on the math homework, everything I say in bio is incorrect (although Mr. Bowman did refer to me as a "Bond girl" the other day because of the way I said James's name, which I found slightly amusing), my French listening and speaking is hopeless, I seem to be illiterate in English, and for APUSH... Well, good thing APUSH is the easiest class ever. There's a group on facebook called "APUSH is so easy it should be called your mom." True that...
So I suppose that tonight I'll have another strange dream, where I lose control of life and somehow end up making out with some random guy whom I know; yes, this has occurred almost every other time, in various forms. As previously stated, Monday was especially intriguing - perhaps because of whom that boy might be! Oh, well that's for me to know, and you to wonder about. I should probs go to bed considering swimming is before daylight breaks tomorrow (wow - poetic or lame?), and I'm slightly sleep-deprived. Je vous adore, mes amours, and j'espere que vous avez une bonne nuit. I don't know if that's right or not. Let's assume it is. :)