I've been surprisingly nonproductive this first week of my winter break, but that's what it's about, right? Taking a break?
My grades this semester were the worst they've been yet, but still decent. I earned a B in two classes and an A in five classes. Next semester's load won't be quite as heavy so going back to a 4.0 shouldn't be a problem.
Sunday with Emily was nice. We had apple pie and Ice Cream to help her recover from her cold. I, always maintaining a large intake of Ice Cream, am impervious to such ailments, so I wasn't afraid to administer such a treatment first-hand.
Monday I busted what little ass I have to get tickets to the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra's performance of The Messiah on Wednesday night. I asked Emily to join me on a date that night, however I never mentioned what we'd be doing. She was gracious enough to accept without knowing what we'd be doing and even went so far as to buy a new dress for the occasion. (I told her we'd dress nicely for the event. And, before you guys ask, no, I have no pictures... forgot my camera.) Later that day I took Kelly G. to the new Borders on St. Charles to do some Christmas shopping and I developed a strong Italian accent that lasted a day. We had yummy cheap Thai food for dinner then played a couple games of scrabble at her house before I hit the sack.
I spent quite a lot of time on Tuesday tossing boomerangs around City Park. I'm finally getting to the point that I can reliably catch my easier ones. I look forward to reaching that point with some of my more advanced boomerangs. I went to Emily's later that night and was spotted on the first floor of her apartment complex by someone from the park who asked me if I was that guy who was throwing the stick around in a circle. Yeah, that was me.
Wednesday was nice. Spent some time with Christian tossing boomerangs during the day. The sky looked a lot like Emily's eyes... without the round black pupil in the center scaring the public into thinking the LHC had actually created a black hole that somehow found its way into the skies. I met her at her apartment when she got off work for our date. It was fantastic. The orchestra itself and the chorus were both wonderful, and since we had front-row seats, watching the soloist singers was amusing as well. You apparently have to make some pretty funny faces to hit the notes they did. I like that I've finally managed to find ways of going on nice dates without spending a lot of money.
Friday morning (what happened to Thursday?) I headed over to Emily's for po-boys and park-time. Lessons learned: don't wear tennis shoes if you plan to jump out of swings and into huge piles of mulch, black swans cost $5k, birds don't like dry tortillas, and I still fall for people really fast. Solutions: wear boots or sandals, don't buy swans, bring crackers, and no idea whatsoever. I've finally found someone who thinks like me again, and for that I'm thankful. Am I, or rather, should I be patient enough to see if something enduring develops? Well that's the question I've been avoiding typing for the last hour that I've been trying to write this entry. It's also the question I've been dodging in my mind since I left her apartment this afternoon. I just need to keep rereading my lj-cut text.
At Kelly's tonight I played "GAMBLES" as my first word in a game of Scrabble. Very apropos. Needless to say, I won that game. However, she did manage to eek out a close win in a 3-player game later in the night, for which she was very happy. (apparently poets don't like losing Scrabble to physicists) We talked a long time about our past love lives and she gave me Indian food for dinner, which was nice. Kelly and I have a very simple friendship. I should show her more appreciation for this. It would be nice if everything were so easy.