
Apr 05, 2011 22:32

2002-2010 Improvement Meme by ~kecen on deviantART

I cleared a great deal of my old submissions on deviantart while doing this meme.

Art of India class is going smoothly. So far, we've gone over the Indus Valley Culture and the Mauryan Era and Ashoka.

We critiqued several unintentionally-hilarious analysis paragraphs concerning an Indus Valley seal with a zebu on it. Wish I could show you what they read. But here's a website on ancient Indian art recommended by the instructor. It's a boss course.

Photo by Curtis Cronn

The cherry blossoms in the quad are in full bloom. I wonder if they'll still be there in time to get my mom and sister to visit.

Have some music.

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Never played Halo, but Etoli made me fall in love with the Scary Dogmatic Aliens from it with her adorable fanart. This was on the Legends soundtrack. There's a story about a Sangheili Arbiter and his wife on that DVD, but it was a little lackluster.

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I'd use this for a Hellboy fanmix, if I had more songs that fit the series.

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It might be NSFW by some standards (transsexual singer), so don't play this in plain view of your boss.
I bought the entire EP this was on. Anna Varney-Cantodea is like no other, audio magick. Polished silver moonlight. The content of this EP is bawdy (she refers to the work as an attempt to purge herself of sexual desire...).

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"He liked my shoes, I kept them on."

Someday I'll write a little piece to this.

Someday I'll write a Hetalia fic to this. If you can guess the characters and pairing AND the situation, you get a...bowl of curry rice (hint, focus on that slipper). You can download this for free using the link, or you could add a tip (`~`;

music, video

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