We're All Part Of The Same Sick Little Games (Chapter 2/??)

Sep 13, 2013 17:57

Jack POV

"Alex! Who's that?" I yelled over them, making them break apart from eating their faces out.

"None of your business dicktwat. Leave us alone." Yelled the amazing Alex. Oh well. Some people just never change.

I purposely waited for Alex and his 'girlfriend' to walk inside the house and get on with it in Alex's room. Which kind of reminds me that I needed to get a room as well!

Quickly, I rushed inside and ran past through Alex and Lisa on the stairs, running towards the biggest room next to the master's bedroom.

"Hey you dipshit! That's mine!" I heard Alex from outside but I quickly closed the door and thank God it had a lock.

"Got here first asshole. Should've gone here faster."


I heard Alex mutter. I know it wasn't true. Well, not yet. But it still hurts. I didn't know what to do, those words stings like a needle on my heart. No, not just needles. Daggers.

It slowly sunk into me and I unconsciously went through my bags and got that one thing that could always ease the pain inside me. The one that could make me think straight out of confusion. My only escape from a heartbreak. My only true friend. My razors.

As I finished rummaging through my bags, I found it and rushed towards thw bathroom sink inside my bedroom.

Slicing the skin on my wrist, deep. But not too deep as I still want to be alive. I love life, I just don't love what life has to give me.

After what seemed like a decade of slicing and abusing my skin, a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

I began to panic as I quickly cleaned my wrists, pulling my shirt of and wiping the tears and blood gushing from my wrist.

"Uhm. Fuck. Uhh... Who-who is it?" I shouted loud enough for the person behind the door to hear.

"It's Alex."

"Shit." I muttered.

"Uhm. OKAY. Just a sec."

I wiped all the blood on the sink, the floor, and my wrist. I hid my razors somewhere I could easily find it but not too vulgar as my mom or Alex or dad could see it. I need no questions as to why I have a razor.

After finishing everything, I walked towards my bags and pulled out a clean shirt, got on it and rushed to the door, opening it.

"What do you want?" I said to Alex, a hint of coldness in my voice.

"I just wanna check your room out. Is it bad? What took you so long by the way?" He said as he steps inside my room, examining the walls and everything. His head tilting back and forth and side to side. Giving me the right access to view is beautiul face, his dimples illuminates in the dark as his eyes were full of curiousity. He was gorgeous. But I know I shouldn't think about my big brother like that. But I can't help it, he can be a big douche sometimes, but the moments we shared when we were younger are tattooed in my heart and on my mind. He was an amazing brother, and I love him.

top!alex, smut!drunken sex, chaptered: jalex, bottom!jack, pairing: jalex, inscest!jalex

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