You like him better than me?

Jul 19, 2013 15:30

Title: You like him better than me?
Pairing: Jack/ofc, Jalex
POV: Most Jack's.
Summary:"You want him better than me?! Fuck, Jack! I have fucking boobs! He doesn't!"
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this fanfic. Honestly. Only the plot line is mine. :) This never happened.
WARNING: ofc/jack make up sex but interrupted. And then boiisecks and smut and fluff and shit.
A/N : This was a bad idea.

"Bree, baby, please, I just want you back. Please." Lies. I don't want you back. But I need relief. Just one night would do. Then I'll leave you.

"Fuck off, Jack! Just fucking leave me alone goddamit!" No, never. Not until I get into your pants. Just a night of release. I want it, dammit!

Please. Just one touch. One kiss. It'll do, I need it. But, I don't need you.

"Go buttfuck Alex, for all I care!" She turns away, crying. This never meant to hurt you. Never meant to hurt anyone.

I do, I love Alex, I want him. Worshiped him. He was never there. And here we are.

"No! I want you. I need you, baby." Grabbing your wrist and twirling you around, I connect my lips to yours, feeling the familiar warmth that I shared with you for a year. Feeling you. But I disgust it. I loathed every moment of this. If only Alex was here. If only.

A sudden change in your mind. You suddenly want this. You suddenly want me. Deepening the kiss. Not leaving until red and swollen.

I despise you. Every part of you, I pull back, wanting to gag to the feeling of you pressed up against me. Pushing back to the wall behind me. Wanting to leave. Wanting to run to the man I love. Wanting Alex's warm arms around me. Feeling safe and unharmed.

"Do it, Jacky. Fuck me." You said, seducing, but not quite. As I back up, stepping backwards to regain my balance and to push myself away from you. What had I gotten myself into? I don't want you.

You cup my crotch. Not the slightest amount, am I aroused. Not for you. Not for any girl. Only for him. My love. My Alex.

You furrow your eyes brows, suddenly confused on why I'm not hard enough. Not hard at all.

You bent down to your knees. Unbuckling my jeans. I want it. But not from you, only from Alex. Oh Alex.

The image of Alex riding me. Moaning my name. His dick twitching at my every thrust. That's what turns me on. Not your disgusting mammary glands that produces milk. No.

You take a hint in me being uninterested at this. Not moving to grab your hair like before. Not talking dirty to you while I was so hard for you. Never again, you bitch! Not for you, that is.

"You want him, don't you?" You stop, thank fuck. Standing up. Averting your eyes towards me. Shame filling your face, with a hint of self-pity.

I stand there, looking at you nonchalantly. Waiting for your eyes to gaze to mine.

You look up. Tears streaming down your face. I feel your break into tiny shattered million pieces. Mouth opening and closing, not saying any word at all. And when you did, I wished you never spoke.

"You want him better than me?! Fuck, Jack! I have fucking boobs! He doesn't!" My eyes wide at your sudden burst. You choke. You sob. Knees failing to hold you up much longer.

I never said anything. I don't want to say anything. I know my words would only betray me. Would only break you more. I feel pity for you. Not because I love you. But because you chose to love me.

You grab hold of my jeans, respectfully buckling them up again. I smile at you.

"It's almost 9, he'd be home any minute. You look like shit. Fix your hair and take a shower. You don't wanna look unpresentable when he gets home, do you?" You said, smiling weakly at me. Breaking my heart to see a person I once loved break in front of me. But I can't force myself to you. That would ruin my life. Our lives.

I simply whisper a thank you. My eyes welling up. On the verge of tears. Knowing I was the one who broke you.

You turn around, quickly opening the door, looking back at me, smiling yet there are tears falling from your eyes. You're so weak and fragile. I've broken you so many times. I don't know how you're fixed.

I was again, alone in this house. Full of dread. Emptiness. and long lost love of the man, I don't know if he even loves me back that much as I do. But he tells me that everyday. I was fed up with lies as I grow up, I don't know what to believe anymore.

After minutes of waiting that seemed like an eternity. The door creaked open, revealing a smell of after-shave an a wrinkled collar hiding a bunch of hickeys. I almost cried at the sight of this man.

Startled. That's what you are. Is this what you do? Do you even go to work anymore? Are you drunk? Questions I long for an answer but I never voice out. Simply because I don't want you distempered. I knew you'd leave.

"Oh! Jack. You're... I-it's late. Why are you still awake? Go to bed sweetie." You said sweetly, trying to stall me, while you try and fix your collar. Try and hide those defrauding love bites.

"I was waiting for you, honey. I missed you. You're never home. You go out so early in the morning, I never get to see you. You come home so late at night, I share the bed with no one." I say. Feeling the hot tears prickling my eyes as it threatens to fall. But I fight it. I'm stronger than what I seem to be. Or so I think.

"Jacky, baby. You know my work isn't a walk in the park. I had to get overtime to pay for this house. To sustain our finances and not drown in debt. I thought you'd understand." You walked over to me. The stingy smell of that man you fucked still lingers over you. I've had enough of your bullshit. You wrap your arms around me. Try to woo me with your touch. Not anymore. I will not be weakened by it anymore.

"Who was he?" I say. Looking at you straight in the eyes as you look anywhere but me. Pure lies are about to spill from that filthy mouth of yours. You answer nothing.

"Was he better than me? Or wasn't I enough of a good fuck for you?" I say calmly. Voice breaking as tears fell from my eyes. I stand there at the same spot where Bree had left me. Many people were here. But I feel all alone. Why?

"W-what are you saying... Jack? Honey? Are you out of your mind?" Still not looking at me. Lies. I've seen the facial expression before when my cat died and you told me she ran away. When the tv broke and you told me that it fell. When you spent my savings for your car's upgrading and told me it was free and a promo. I've heard so many lies from you, you filthy cunt. I won't believe any of that shit anymore.

"Yes I'm out of my mind because the man I truly love has been cheating on me, for how many days? Weeks? Months? YEARS?! How long Alex? How long have you been fucking other people?" I scream. On your face. Spat at you but you stay so silent. It's confusing. I hate it. I love you, so deeply and madly. But you, again, broke me. This would be the last time. I swear to God.


I have had enough of this. You obliged. Not wanting to argue. I drag you. Upstairs, to our room. Before, was shared with delightful and happy memories. Now, forgotten and betrayed, damp walls that has never been touched. Creaky doors and hardwood floors that we rarely walk to.

In result of my anger, I rip your slacks off your legs and waist. As well as your coat. Leaving you with your long-sleeves, tie and socks. You're beautiful. Gorgeous, even.

"Hands and knees. NOW!" I scream. Hoping not to get complaints from the neighbors tomorrow morning.

And you did as you're told. All my anger going straight to your dick. Twitching as I scream. You know full well where this is going.

"Count. And if you miss one, we'll repeat. We're doing twenty. I hope you can make it, slut. Since that's what you are. Flaunting your fat ass and your dick to many men. Fucking whore." I say as I retrieve a paddle that you never thought was there. I bought. For a certain reason. And you're about to find out.

I angled my wrist, just enough to let it land on the right direction. I hit you, hard. You moan. I smirk. You deserve it.

I did the same thing, as we got closer and closer to twenty. Your little ass is already reddening up.

"Filthy masochistic whore. Tell me, do any of the men you fucked made you feel /this/ good?" I say, not giving you much time to answer as I bring down the last hit. So hard. So good.

Still not giving you time to adjust, I manhandle you. Forcing you to sit down on my lap. Wincing in pain. I hope it does.

I lean closer to you, crashing my lips onto yours, moaning as I did so. Fucking slut. Moaning at the slightest touch.

Still you say nothing.

I pull back. Gasping for air. I had to punish you.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard and raw. You won't be remembering the names of the men who fucked you." I said. Leaning to your ears. Whimpering at the fear of getting fucked raw. Knowing how much it burns and hurts. Still you don't argue. A good thing for me. Unfortunately for you.

I let you drop down to the bed on your back. I tut. Not liking the position you're displaying. Shaking my head in disapproval. I lifted my hands. index finger hanging in the air pointing up. I gesture for you to turn around. And you did so, feeling the burn on your ass for being spanked so hard.

Without much of a warning. I grab your hips and slammed into you. Feeling the tightness. The warmth. Your abused hole. Abused by some bastard who tried to put their filthy dick into you.

You moan. Even scream. My name spilling from your mouth. I wonder if you've ever screamed my name while the other men fucked you. Do you?

I slammed back in. You, screaming my name. It was music. A genre unidentified. But it was beautiful. I should label it one day.

"J-jack.. I'm cl-fuck!-close." You moan. Pants leaving your mouth as I ram into you. Slamming deeper, faster and harder into you.

I took the audacity to snake my hands, slowly creeped, closer to your leaking cock.

You ass still burning red, a sight I would definitely kill for. As I lean forward, angling my hips. You scream. Fucking scream. I guess I've hit that 'spot'. That spot that makes your knees so weak. That makes you bend down any suck me off. Yes, that spot.

You voice, like a different creature. In the light, you were an angel, glowing abstruse that most people venerate. And in the dark, you're a fowl creature that seemed anticipated. Your works are pure filth. Abominable. That's what you are in the dark.

You look back at me, cheeks flustered pink and lips perfectly swollen. I lean down, pressing rough and sloppy kisses all over you. As you continue to moan. Drowning yourself in pleasure. Pure filth.

My hips stutter. Thrust getting sloppier and sloppier by every move.

"C'mon whore. Cum for me. Show me what you got." I say. Teeth gritted. Groaning in pleasure. Familiar sensation pooling in the pit of my stomach.

With a few flicks of my wrist. You let go. I smirk down at you. Arms failing to hold you up as you came down from your high.

Three. Two. One.

I release. Inside you. Feeling the warm gooey filling you up inside. I wonder how many men have done that to you? Releasing inside you. Fucking you raw. Nothing but dry skin. No lube. No condom. I bet you, I'm the fucking devil for doing this the first.

Coming down from my high, I pulled myself out of you. Grimacing at the sticky substance falling from your filthy little ass to the bed sheets. I smile. Laying next to you as you bury your face on the pillows.

I finally spoke.

"Why'd you do it, Lex?" I say. Staring up at the ceiling. Not wanting to look into your eyes as you feed me up with your lies once again.

"I never did anything Jack." LIES! It's hard to believe you. I want the truth. But you fill my brains with the wrong information.

"I bought new perfume. For our anniversary next week. And these-" He said, sitting up slowly, trying not to wince in pain as he did so. Gesturing to the 'what seemed like hickeys' on his chest.

"-are burns. My stupid office mate spilled his coffee on me on the way to our boss's office. Who, lend me those sleeves and ties and coat you just ripped up. So, we're gonna have to pay for that, baby." He continued. Still feeding me up with lies. I was on the verge of bursting into tears again, knowing my boyfriend's having an affair. I know he's lying. Those eyes are deceitful, it should be illegal.

"Okay baby." Was all I had to say. Pushing those thoughts about killing Alex in his sleep at the back of my brain. I could live with it, him, lying to me. On my face. As long as I get to keep him in this bed. In this house. And in my arms. I don't care how many lies he'd throw at me. As long as he's mine.

"I'd never cheat on you, honey. You know that, right?" I don't know. Should I even believe you? You've lied so many times, you became so professional at it.

I only nodded. Kissing him. To shut him up. But never worked.

"I will never fuck other guys compared to yo--"

"Stop lying, honey. We both know that's bullshit. But as long as I know that you're still living with me. I could live with it."

He stared at me. Not believing what he just heard. Because we both know the truth. And we both know he's lying.

I turned my head towards the ceiling again. Him, still looking at me. Wide eyed. Mouth gaping open.

"I love you though. Only you, Jack."

"I know, Lex. That's why you still come home with me."

I wrapped my arms around him. Waiting for sleep to devour me. As I was closing my eyes, with all full force I snapped it back open.

"Oh, and I love you too, baby."

With that. Alex relaxed beside me. Waiting for sleep.

That's what you do when you love someone. Martyrdom. Because you don't wanna lose him. That's why you accept every little fucking stupid things he throw at you. Because you love him. Even if you're just being an idiot.

smut!spanking, smut!raw/dry, top!jack, smut!ansgt, pairing: jalex, smut!bdsm, bottom!alex

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