Oct 23, 2010 09:05
I am not deaf enough to immerse myself completely in the deaf community. I am not hearing enough to be able to follow along in a hearing group.
I am not gay enough because I don't have very many gay friends except online and don't go to enough gay activities, I am not straight enough to really feel like I can truly participate in straight activities.
I am not pretty enough to attract someone nor am I not ugly enough to deserve to be alone.
I am not strict enough with my child nor am I too permissive.
I don't drink enough to fit in with the party folks but I drink too much to hang out with the sober crowd.
Where do I fit in?? I could go on and on. I'm trying to accept being me as I am but it's difficult when I don't seem to have a "niche" of like-minded friends. My world is small in between two bigger worlds.
I am a single parent in a community of married parents, I am an adult living in an apartment in a sea of people owning homes, I live on disability surrounded by people who work.
I have health problems that are undiagnosed but yet I live each day. I have a son that somehow seems to grow and thrive in spite of me. My dogs seem to love me as well.