Oct 29, 2006 18:45
Well I really enjoyed having K home this weekend. She is really happy with her new room up at college and she is starting to really enjoy college. She seems happy and we like it that way. I picked up the registration for Mom's car at Dad's today. We had it mailed there as that is the address on the registration. I didn't get really any work done this weekend. I managed to finish sewing one of the pillow tops for Hailey's pillows for Christmas. I have to get the other one stitched and then I can put them both together, stuff them, and wrap them. I have her cross stich done except for the personalization.
It didn't rain today but the wind has been blowing strong and howled around the house. K and I stopped at Dad's and picked up some limbs that had fallen for him as well as harvesting the carrots. Think I got enough for a couple of meals. I did make the Apple Crisp I have wanted to make. It didn't come out as well as I had hoped it would. I am not sure exactly what went wrong. It didn't seem to have enough moisture in it.
I still have to find a topic for my Marketing paper and get the thing done. I really would like to have it done within a week. I want to hand in the first draft on Monday, November 10th. He will then make corrections and suggestions and return it to me. Every time I have done that with him I have gotten an A on my papers.
Steve and I are playing WOW. I am having a hard time. I just can't seem to be as interested in it as I'd like to be. He is already 5 levels ahead of me. I can't keep up as I don't get the play time he does. I can't play a game by myself for hours at a time like he can. I'm glad he is enjoying it, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to really get into it. I don't have a lot of interest in EQ now either. I hate to give it up, but I can't seem to get interested in it anymore. When I play it is alone as Steve doesn't have much interest. He will play with K and I to do an LDON occasionally, but we haven't in a while.
Well I need to go make coffee for S and I. He will be home within 20 minutes or so. I will update later in the week.