Mar 08, 2006 13:54
So i guess i'm a pretty selfish person and i expect too much out of people..hmm i hate self observation
ne ways i just got a call from my mom that basically destroyed my mood (dramatic right?) as some of you veryt well know this saturday is my 19th birthday and i take all of my birthdays very seriously...i like attention and that is the one day of year its all focused on me (selfish eh?) ne ways I usually tell the entire world and try to get everyone together to do something silly...ex. last year we went to the roller rink where jack broke his was enjoyable..well this year every plan i had was basically falling through and i was just going to go to canada with a couple people who are 19 or have ID's and i was supposed to do dinner with my family but they have a bowling tournament on saturday so they wanted to go friday...fine with me...i figure it will just be low key and ill be with my fam who i love..sounds good right...sure but then i get a call from my mom saying that my bro works, my sis (who im not sure is even considered family ne more) cant come and my dad decided that hes going out bowling with his friends on friday..SWEET!!! so basically my mom tried to act all peppy and was like yeah you know its you and me for dinner friday cuz your boyfriend works too..i'm like awesome..i am a horrible person because i feel like its too much to ask to have one day a year...not even a day...a couple hours for celebrate and be together...but no of course not...i was even willing to do it on the wrong this situation sucks and i feel like an asshole but i just want to burst into tears...(its my birthday and ill cry if i want to) yeah and it sucks and it sucks and it sucks...guess still sucks...i dont want to talk about this ne more...
on the bright side...i left my laundry in the laundry room overnight and SOMEBODY STOLE ALL OF MY BRAS...completely uncool b/c i just had to buy all new ones since birth control gave me a crazy growth spurt like a middle ways mr. brockport bra theif...give 'um back..there MINE
more brighter notes...i waited in line for an hour and 45 minutes this morning to get Yellowcard/Mae tickets for myself Chris and Cait...i tried to get more but each student is only allowed one and i already had to beg to other ppl to stand in line that long to buy my extra 2 tickets...those are good friends right there...but the concert should be good...the wait on the other hand made me late for one of my midterms so i had to rush to finish it in time...todays great let me tell ya :-(
oh an actual bright side...i have a ten page paper to do tonight and other then that im done with exams and i will be home friday for 12 days which is pretty cool...i finally get to spend some time with chris...i miss him lots and its been hard to be apart for so long :-/ but i love him
I'm also thinking that Saturday...for my pathetic attemp at a last minute b-day i want to get a group of people to go to Zebs at like consider this your invitation..
on a side note the title of this is weird but ill explain even though people dont read titles...last nite in my sociology class we had a group of people drawing things that our professor said and it was pretty commical because he says some stupid stuff that we like to take the wrong would too if you had to sit in a class from 6:00 until 9:15 at nite...its way too long so everyone has ADD
one last thing cuz i know i wont update this for awhile..Happy Birthday Tina (on sunday)!!! :-)