The End of the End

Nov 17, 2015 10:12


We’ve been here
before. This dying
place. Where time

stands still and bombs
rumble across
mountains. A scar

ripped through
the town. Fields of dead
cattle. Ranches turned

to meth labs. A place
without words or
memory. Dirt and

coke cans collect
next to the last
cup of coffee. The last
breakfast. Ghosts

of two hands
holding. A tiny
trailer with a tiny

mattress stuffed
with rat turds
and ragged
party dresses. A boy jabs

a BB gun in our faces.
Says we need to check
with his grandpa if
we want to enter
this dead place. As if

he is the keeper of
history. But we have
been here before. We

know the story. The
junk in the dustbin.
Asbestos falling like
snow. The way the ground

slides under our
feet when another
bomb is dropped.

Another building
gutted. Another
house emptied
of future and past.

poetry, kdd photography, economic apocalypse

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