Second Hand Teddy Bear

Nov 16, 2015 22:22

Sublime Dreary Winter Sky
Cold crisp day in Tucson today. The kind of day that gets colder as it gets longer. Stepped outside at noon and was hit in the face by a smack of icy wind. Felt good. Fresh. Alive. CLEAN.

Came home from work and hit the streets running because nothing I like more than running under a cold winter dreary sky.

Cold for me is relative.

I'm a San Francisco native who also spent a large chunk of my childhood in Pacifica, CA, a town where the sun only comes out two weeks a year. Once in the fall. And once in the spring. So I have a very limited degree of temperature tolerance. I'm cold when it's below 62, and I'm hot when it's above 72.

So today when that cold front swept into the Old Pueblo and temps rose to a crisp 55 degree, I may as well have been living in the North Pole.

After my run, I treated myself to this ridiculous fuzzy workout jacket that makes me look like a fur box. I know it's hideous! I know I look like a second hand stuffed animal on the bottom back shelf of Goodwill! But I can't bring myself to take it off. It's so cozy. So safe. So zipped up and tucked in.

Second Hand Teddy Bear
Being a second hand stuffed animal isn't so bad. Very Mellow and I could use more Mellow.

I asked Bean what she thinks. She said, "You really want to know?" I said, "No." Then "I think I'll go play my Les Paul now." While wearing my second hand teddy bear suit thank you very much.

Not taking this thing off until it dies and starts stinking.

Happy Monday.

i fucking love clouds, running, kdd a life

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