Dec 17, 2014 13:57
I know I have been preoccupied and lame lately. I am coming off the worst two years of my adult life, and my blog and interactions in this venue have been limited at best. I would like to know that my blog has a chance for revival and that I still have readers out there. Having just posted something with photos and stories of my kid, I am thinking maybe I should remove it and maybe the days of KDD are over. I don't want that to be. I would like to revive this beast now that my life, hopefully, is taking a turn in a more positive direction.
I stuck it out these past two years, though at times it felt impossible to make it. There were times when I didn't even think I would survive. But I kept up the battle, and here I am.
I hope that I can get my blog, art, writing, film, photography, short stories and everything going again. And post my guitar playing! Hah.
Please let me know if you are still there. Otherwise, I might be abandoning ship, locking down the blog, and moving elsewhere in my life. Thanks for letting me know.
All best,
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