So fracking tired!

Aug 22, 2006 23:17

Okay, hubby says I'm starting the rambling habit again, so this must mean that I need to write more. I've been so tired lately with work, helping Tree adjust to middle school, getting ready for Dragon*Con and all that. During the day I think of topics I'd like to write about, but by the time I get Tree to bed and finish stuff around here, my brain is muck. I've been taking my vitamins and exercising, but not doing so well on the healthy eating part. I wanted to lose 20 pounds and what do I go and do? Gain five more! Oh well. As Stormie would say, there's more of me to love. ;-) I just hope my D*C outfits won't be too tight! I started packing last weekend but still need to do final fittings. Foot cushions and heel guards (plus three pairs of socks) have made the platforms fit, but I'm afraid the high-heeled boots, even with cushions, aren't going to work. Walking around GenCon in those suckers nearly killed me. I did, however, find the most comfortable pair of boots in the world last weekend, my very first pair of Doc Martens. I wanted to buy a pair with eight eyelets but didn't have the money, but I found a mountain boot style (three eyelets) pair and another pair of Emily sneakers in the clearance section at Future Shock. I can get the taller boots later on. We went to a school program tonight. It was pretty cool how they had it set up. The kids had a dance while we parents learned more about this year's I-Step Test and how to help our kids succeed and pass the 10th grade I-Step (required for graduation from high school) later on down the road. The biggest issues with Tree has been staying organized and turning in her homework. She's lost points for stuff the teachers know she did. So I'm checking the homework hotline every night, comparing it to what she's written in her organizer, talking with her about her classes, everything I can do to help her learn how to manage herself and her time. The other problem is dealing with the more difficult personalities. Some days she does fine, other times she's freaking out. Like yesterday she was in a good, confident mood and wouldn't let anything bother her. Then this morning she was tired, cranky, hated school, hated the bully girls in one of her classes, etc. I wonder if part of it is the mood swings of puberty. It has to be. But I know she'll be fine. Just hope Stormie begins to take a more active role. I understand that he's in class, but I'll be starting class myself soon but won't be stopping my parental duties. I thanked him for going tonight. I'm sure his being there meant a lot to her, even if she doesn't say so. The parent/teacher conference is on Thursday. He can't go because of study group, but I'm hoping things have improved since my discussions over the past couple of weeks with various teachers. I just keep reminding her how much she loves her horseback riding lessons! Well, that's all I have the energy to write tonight. I started Caitlin Kiernan's Murder of Angels, the sequel to Silk, over the weekend and want to read a few pages before I pass out.

dragon*con, tree

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