My First Big Mistake of the Semester

Sep 06, 2005 23:35

LeyLeyLu: someday kevin
kdawgmoneygunz: Someday we will speak again
LeyLeyLu: we will meet and greet each other simoutaneiously
kdawgmoneygunz: I like my phrasing better
kdawgmoneygunz: Sounds more dramatic
kdawgmoneygunz: The rhyming is a turn off
LeyLeyLu: shut up you antisocial meanie
kdawgmoneygunz: What did i do?!
kdawgmoneygunz: That wasn't mean spirited at all
kdawgmoneygunz: And we've established that we're each equally as antisocial
LeyLeyLu: you said i was a turn off@
LeyLeyLu: thats like the most insulting thing you could ever say to me
kdawgmoneygunz: No. I said you're phrasing was a turn off
kdawgmoneygunz: Because it rhymed it didn't convey the same dramatic irony and tension of our current situation
LeyLeyLu: my phrasing is part of me too!
kdawgmoneygunz: It's like trying to seduce someone when reciting One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
kdawgmoneygunz: Something tells me Dr. Suess was not all that good in bed.
LeyLeyLu: you know
LeyLeyLu: i bet he was a sexual GENIUS
kdawgmoneygunz: Why do you say that?
LeyLeyLu: i bet women broke down that door just to hear that crazy sycapated rhyme
LeyLeyLu: just cause
LeyLeyLu: you woulndt expect it
LeyLeyLu: in my experience
LeyLeyLu: its alwyas the really nice guys who are kinky sex gods in bed
kdawgmoneygunz: If I were to say to you "Ashley, I can see your flooters and scwinkers, hobnobbers and yinkers" would you be turned on?
LeyLeyLu: absolutely
LeyLeyLu: in fact
LeyLeyLu: you want to come over?
LeyLeyLu: my roomates out
LeyLeyLu: ;-)
kdawgmoneygunz: This has spiralled out of control
LeyLeyLu: muahahha
LeyLeyLu: aight shower time
LeyLeyLu: suer you dont want to come now?
kdawgmoneygunz: Think of my rhymes and I will be ther
kdawgmoneygunz: In the form of a shower head
LeyLeyLu: rawr

Man, I should have gone. What was I thinking?
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