I AM MIYAVI-- i mean god.

Jun 10, 2007 21:05

Name: Sara. :D

Nickname(s): Gamie, Beany Wolf, Gothic, ex.

Age: Turning 16 this august. >w<

Gender: uh. Female maybe-- -shot-

Likes: Cute guys, games, computers, music, my friends, did i mention cute guys? Uh, candles, Miyavi, Final Fantasy, doggies, kitties, sewing, making profiles on Gaia (though I haven't lately), playing music, gum, BJDS. c:

Dislikes: Mean people, racist people, guys who think they can get a girl in bed in a day. People who don't realize something that's right in front of their face.

Strong Points: I'm trust-worthy, kind, friendly, a therapist, i can make paper stars. c:

Weak Points: I'm very very very lazy, i've been called rude and annoying once. \: I will backstab you if you did something to me that made me cry. Oh, I've known to nearly punch people in the face.

Hobbies:  Playing my flute, punching people in the face-- -shot-, computer, making profiles, looking at adorable boys (most likely korean), squeeing about pairings, telling Karin not to get with Kazune and to go with Jin (D8 WRRYY!), going on the computer, looking at anime, playing games. c:

Talents: UUUUH, I can play the flute, piano, and sometimes the clarinet. I can make profiles on gaia (third time i said this no?), dreaming of a BJD (it's a talent damnit.). I can kick people's butt at Street Fighter and shooter games. c:

Favorite quote: I win at life.

Future Goals: Major in music and get a uke korean boyfriend.

Mature or Immature?: Mature when I'm serious, immature when i'm not.

Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic about my friends, Pessimistic about myself.

Leader or Follower?: Leader.

Outgoing or Shy?: Shy when I don't know anyone, Outgoing with my friends.

Impulsive or Cautious?: Cautious.

Dominant or Submissive?: I'm on top baby. c:-- -shot- Though I have this like bipolar disorder where I get really submissive.

High, Medium or Low energy level?: Uh, Middle. High when it's about pairings I really like or korean boys I like.

Favorite color?: Purple.

Favorite season?: Winter.

Favorite animal?: Llama. 83

Favorite food?: PIZZA.

Favorite character?: I love Jin. He's the greatest to me, though Micchi comes to a close second. For girls I love Karin alot, though i don't like who she likes. >(

Favorite God or Goddess?: Does Miyavi count? No? Oh well. I guess Athena. I always liked her so much that I did a project on her. :3

Please post a picture or describe yourself:

Anything else? Uh, I can get really hyper? I'm just too calm right now. That and i don't like Kazune. >(

Oh, and me and my friend nickname the kamichama karin charries. Karin is Little Gamie, Himeka is Little Wolfie, Kazune is Little Cloud, Kirika is Little Danny, and Shii is Little Nate. c:

michiru, stamped

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