I am god! andddd I wanna find out who im most like~

Jun 10, 2007 20:17

Name: Jordana
Nickname(s): Jordiiee or Jordy or however you wanna spell it
Age: 12
Gender: Female

Likes: Anime and Manga, bishies, food, fun, shopping, cuteness, rainbows (O__O), humour, true friends, spiders, emoticons, msn, computers =D
Dislikes: war, beetles (just beetles, i like bugs), pain and injury, bad stuff, bullys, HENNRY (A BULLY FROM MY CLASS I WANNA KILL HIM O__O)
Strong Points: Nice, driven (XD), artistic, helpful, cute(?!), im not racist =D.
Weak Points: sometimes overly shy and sometimes overly energetic and loud, temperamental pretty much sums it up. Oh, im also stupid which makes people make fun of me which makes me tell on them which makes me a snitch. TOO HYPER I DRINK TOO MUCH COFFEEE XDDD
Hobbies: drawing, reading manga, watchin teh anime, webdesigning, playing sports, hanging out with friends
Talents: Piano playing
Favorite quote: friends are like four leaf clovers, hard to find and lucky to have (couldn't think of my fave one >.> gahhhh).
Future Goals: becoming an architect or something that i wanna be :S and get married xD

Mature or Immature?: mature around anyone but my friends. with them, im immature as immature can get XD
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic :D
Leader or Follower?: leader i thinnkkk~
Outgoing or Shy?: as i said in weak points, depends xD
Impulsive or Cautious?: impulsive
Dominant or Submissive?: dominant. mwuahaa? XD
High, Medium or Low energy level?: HIGH. HYPER COFFEEEE RAINBOW YAY

Favorite color?: Orange/green/brown <3
Favorite season?: Summer (no school >:D)
Favorite animal?: Giraffe!
Favorite food?: pizza :)
Favorite character?: In kamichama karin, Kazune Kujyou =D Non kamichama karin is Holland Novak of Eureka Seven OMEGAA I LOVE HIM <3 Like i fangirl about him all the time ....
Favouite God or Goddess?: Huuh. I guess i like Nike xD
Please post a picture or describe yourself: Meh ish brown haired brown eyed braceface who wears too many accessories and hair in ponytails XD

Anything else?: COFFEEEEEE~ Oh and im a newbie of LJ. so if this ends up not being cut im sorryy xDDDDDD i really suck at this O__o;;;

stamped, karin

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