What you always wanted to know...

May 01, 2010 00:25

100 Facts about
G. Archery

G's favourite song

1 - G's first statement at seeing Giotto was: "I like you. I'll kill you last". It was the beginning of a long friendship (though Giotto didn't sleep the first three years due to severe fright).

2 - That huge phallic thing is Ugetsu's head is not a hat. It's just that his hair is really happy to see G.

3 - Your local priest prays to God. Knuckle prays to G.

4 - Alaude had black hair, just like Hibari. It's just that, when he saw G's glare, his hair follicles came so hard they bleached his hair color.

5 - Once, Spade asked if Red was G's natural hair color. G glared and Spade's hair decided to turn horrible in punishment for its owner's disrespect.

6 - A woman once said it was impossible to exist someone as badass as G in the whole universe. G took it as a personal challenge and glared at her. Nine months later, Han Solo was born.

7 - During his vacations in Athens, some men stood in front of G when he was trying to take a sunbath. He glared at them and the poor bastards had to flee from Greece. This episode is known as the Battle of Marathon, thought historians changed it... a little.

8 - It is ok to drool when you see G. Just try to restrain yourself enough to prevent floods.

9 - As a child, G liked to star gaze. Or, in his case, star glare. That's how the Milky Way was created.

10 - G's calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools G. Archery.

11 - In a fight between Batman and Darth Vader, the winner would be G. Archery.

12 - If G wants some shade, he stares the sun down until it eclipses.

13 - Once, a reporter called G out about the cons of smoking. This episode is known as "The Death of Superman".

14 - Julius Caesar once quoted his master G... thought he created a lighter version for "I came, I saw, I hit him right there in the jaw".

15 - G likes classic music, but he can't go to concerts. The only time he went and glared at the orchestra, the musicians forgot all about the instruments and there was a symphony of sex sounds.

16 - Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, but G beats all 3 at the same time.

17 - For G, every street is "one way". His way.

18 - Many men tried to defeat G. A few fled upon seeing him. The others were just frozen at the spot while G glared at them. All had to deal with sticky pants.

19 - The penis is mightier than the sword. Ugetsu learned this the hard way, after an intense sparring against G.

20 - The only thing we have to fear is fear itself... The only thing fear has to fear is G’s bad mood.

21 - G has never been in a fight. A storm arrow to the face doesn't equal a fight.

22 - Before sliced bread was invented, people used to say "That’s the greatest thing since G".

23 - Giotto wanted to be G's right hand... G noticed his real intentions with that statement and glared at him. That was the creation of the Dying Will Flame and of the expression "creamogastical".

24 - A picture is worth a thousand words. G's picture is worth 1 billion moans.

25 - A woman asked G if she could have his babies. G glared and smirked at her before dropping a smartass comment. That was the beginning of the Winchester family.

26 - Women that received G's glare know the true meaning of "pregnant silence".

27 - G puts the G on G-Spot.

28 - Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their hall of stone,
Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne,
One bigass ring to hoist G aloft,
Upon it inscribed, "I ain't too soft."

29 - G is a Sex God, the embodiment of badassery, hotness and sex appeal. Just ask his parents: Mars and Venus.

30 - Unbeknownst to most people, G did in fact invent the G-string. If the woman was lucky, she would have enough cloth left over to make one after he ripped it all off.

31 - The "G" in G's name stands for pain. Great pain.

32 - Rome wasn't built in a day. G declared they had no resolve.

33 - Ugetsu says: vitamin G improves your stamina in a very specific aerobic exercise (i.e. sex).

34 - What went through the heads of G's enemies? His arrow.

35 -Aliens do exist. They're just smart enough to stay away from a planet inhabited by G.

36 - G once competed in and won a 100 meter dash in 0.5 secs. He didn't even know he was racing, just that someone near the finish line glared at Giotto.

37 - G named Ugetsu's flute after him. Only Ugetsu can blow it.

38 - When Nana and Iemitsu were conceiving Tsuna, Nana was thinking of G. So was Iemitsu.

39 - No one inked G's tattoo. G shot himself in the face. The only thing that can tattoo G is G himself.

40 - The real reason Reborn opted to be an Arcobaleno: after seeing G for the first time, he needed a good excuse to wear diapers all the time.

41 - The laws of thermodynamics state that absolute zero cannot be reached. Of course, G always ignored these stupid laws in favor of his favourite gelato, the only one who didn’t melt because of how hot he is.

42 - G accepted a pupil once. He tutored the boy in the ways of badassery and hotness and then he kicked the brat out so he could show the results of his teaching to the rest of the poor bastards in the world. The kid’s name? Tony Stark.

43 - G inspired many awesome, badass and hot things. Why do you think Ferrari’s color is red?

44 - Lampo destroyed G’s card castle - made out of boredom - just to bother him. G destroyed Lampo’s castle, his countryside houses and his family’s factory... using the cards he used in his castle.

45 - G turns Lady Gaga’s Poker Face into a sex face just by being present.

46 - If it looks like filet alla parmigiana, tastes like filet alla parmigiana but G says is fucking lasagna, then it’s fucking lasagna.

47 - G can slam revolving doors.

48 - Chuck Norris has a tatto in his right ass cheek. It says “What Would G Do”.

49 - If you’re an enemy and G glares at you, there’s only two options. One is to try to maintain dignity and hide the fact you just came very hard in your pants. The other is to try to hide the fact you just came very hard in your pants while avoiding flame arrows. Too bad G’s arrows can’t be avoided.

50 - G always had the highest scores in every damn test he did on school. He just had to write his name in the sheets and promptly turn in the papers.

51 - Someone dared to pinch G’s butt once. This someone lost his hand. And this someone tries to hide his real identity by saying he lost his hand in an epic sword fight.

52 - G sleeps with his pillow (named Ugetsu) under his gun (named… you know).

53 - When G met Mr. T, he pitied the fool.

54 - G doesn't brush his hair. It remains in place out of sheer terror.

55 - G once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now called The Islands.

56 - The laws of physics state that nothing can survive entry into a black
hole. G jumped into one, emerged five minutes in the past, and shot
the scientists. G obeys no law but G's law.

57 - People still try to break the barrier of sound. They don’t know it broke itself after G shot his first arrow, at age 5.

58 - Behind every great man, there is a great woman. Behind that woman is G.

59 - The wrath of God is outmatched only by the storm of G.

60 - Giotto created the Vongola. G created Giotto.

61 - It was G with G. Archery right behind you.

62 - G created a vigilante group that later became the roots of Vongola. That was also known as the first army composed of fanboys/girls only.

63 - Inside every Mac Pro, there’s G. Why do you think their slogan is “Beauty outside. Beast inside”?

64 - If G had a MySpace, he'd have more friends than Tom.

65 - G’s gun is actually a water gun, but the water shoots out in the form
of bullets. Why? Because the gun is being held by motherfucking G,

66 - The first and only prayer G ever made to Jesus was: “When I get there, I’ll sit on the right.”

67 - G once gave a coin to a boy and said “Use that fucking brain to get some money or I’m going to break your nose next time”. That boy was Bill Gates.

68 - People said Mussolini sent telegrams to the Italian team saying "Vincere o morire!" ("Win or die") as means of encouragement, and that’s why they won the 1934 World Cup. Of course, this is a misunderstanding. G was the one to send it. And he meant it.

69 - The Storm Guardian isn't chosen for his/her affinity for Storm Flames or raging tempest-like characteristics. Rather, one can become the Storm Guardian only if he/she can remain in front of G for a minute without a) crying, b) going insane or c) coming.

70 - God giveth life. G can and will take it away.

71 - G was the one to settle all arguments in the family. He just had to pick up the phone, call the bastards and say “This is G…” and peace would remain intact.

72 - The expression “eye of the storm” was created because, while pwning enemies with one hand, G would calmly sip his coffee and talk about trivial matters with Giotto and the others.

73 - There used to be 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but then G decided to let this hobbie aside and concentrate in working for the Vongola…

74 - Wolverine’s skeleton was bonded with adamantium, a near indestructible metal alloy. Adamantium is, however, the dead skin G removed in his bath.

75 - God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. He learned everything from G.

76 - G once invited his cousin Leo and some of his friends to a pizza night at his mansion. After hanging up, Leonidas turned to his men and said “Today, we dine in hell!”.

77 - G once kicked a man in the soul.

78 - Death once had a near-G experience.

79 - They once attempted to include G on Mt. Rushmore but the granite wasn't badass enough for his tattoo.

80 - G rickraped Rick Astley.

81 - Ellen DeGeneres is not lesbian, she is G-sexual.

82 - G doesn’t have to Google anything. G is Google.

83 - From A to the Z, people stick with G.

84 - In Japan, there are at least 3 earthquakes per day. It’s not due to the fact that the Japanese archipelago is located in an area where several continental and oceanic plates meet. It’s just that G knows Ugetsu likes it rough.

85 - "Your song” was supposed to be dedicated to G. It was supposed to be about how awesome and hot G is and highly detailed descriptions of wet dreams Elton John had with him, but it would have to be XXXXXXX-rated and censored, so he went for a lighter version.

86 - G said he was the king of rock. Elvis disagreed… Elvis is dead.

87 - When G was playing World of Warcraft, someone send him a message saying "EMAO, Bitch!". He did.

88 - G trained a few birds out of boredom. He taught them battle tactics, speech and how to built useful things, like a boat or a plane. Later, these birds went to a zoo and then to Madagascar…

89 - Some people wake up in the morning. G opens his eyes and the day is allowed to start.

90 - "Checkmate." That's the sound of G winning at chess -- on the first move. With his king.

91 - God created Eve out of Adam's rib, because that's all that was left after G was done with him.

92 - G doesn't iron his clothes. He screams at them until they're scared straight.

93 - The first rule of Fight Club is G.

94 - When G works out, he sweats .50 caliber bullets.

95 - The world does not revolve around G. It stopped after G screamed “Stop following me around, dammit!”.

96 - G’s temper is so hot you can cook a 3 course meal with it.

97 - The popular story is that Dorothy was sent to Oz by a tornado. That's not true at all. It was actually a strike of air from G’s arrow.

98 - G doesn't endorse anything. He just tells the bastards how it’s going to be.

99 - G once got in a tough guy competition. He won first, second, third place and the award of merit.

100 - G is awesome. I’m saying this just in case you were unconscious - probably having wet dreams about G - in the middle of this list…

Thanks for alcyonev, for being so awesome and helping me with this crazyness~ <3 Because she's so awesome, this art here is for her and her alone, betches.

primo storm, fangirling!, khr, oh so hot, g, ramblerambleramble, random, fanart, g is my sex god

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