ok here comes the bomb.
jess broke up with me last thursday.
basically it boils down to the fact that i think she liked me a lot, and i told her i diddnt think i could marry her, even though i liked her a lot too. ok there was a different L word in there. even though i kinda thought or forsaw this would end, i'm having trouble explaining why i felt so hurt and alone. and am still feeling hurt and alone. and im trying to figure out why i dont feel like i would be able to marry her. are we just different types of people? is that just some bull spit and im just that superficial and cant get over some things that dont even bother me, but that make me worry about what other people think? is it that we arent "soulmates"? isnt there no such thing as a soulmate, just somebody among many that you could be happy with the rest of your life? isnt this a lot of questions? did i screw up? am i just so self centered that im having trouble coming to grips with the fact that maybe someone who did love me doesnt anymore? am i a basketcase?
am i going to be ok?
that's what i keep telling myself.
kindof an abrupt return to posting i know.
subject change:
whats the deal with tongues and prophecy? in I corinthians, paul loves prophecy like macadams loves gosling.( if you dont get that joke, go here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=zLElfJ9YCh0 ). seriously though... I corinthians 12, 13, and 14? whats the deal?
speaking of bible things, im going to start reading everyday again. and im telling everybody. that way people can ask me, and if i know people will ask me if im keeping up with it, then i will. so ask me. ill try to talk about what i read that day.
i wish i had a sweet bike to ride like tom's. tom that bike is way sweet. dont get mad if i buy the exact same one. people need to stop buying the bike i want on ebay and just let me buy it for once. eventually.
it will take some time.
but everything's going to be ok. it always is.
kev, i need more stories.
dave, kickass this semester.
jeff, your pictures are so sweet.
jonesy, im going so much bummer mix.
tdub, im going to cry for a week straight because the spies broke up. at least tell me that you have some complete recordings, or this week will turn in to a month.
im going snowboarding this weekend with bsu. it should be a really good time.
as always,