E's Otherwise almost-at-the-end review

May 25, 2007 00:40

They got me. E's Otherwise might not be more special than any other anime of similar genre, but I have to admit, I've been hooked throughout the whole series.

I've seen through episode 22. A friend of mine looked up some reviews, and many of them said the series (26 episodes) comes to an end too fast. If that is the case, then I have to believe the creators thought the series would continue past two seasons, because there were a lot of story points and relationship establishments that could have been accomplished much more efficiently if they had known they were short on time.

They do seem to be pulling a lot into the story at the midpoint. I wonder why they didn't introduce a little of that earlier.

Recommendation: If you like the corporate-scandal/guerrilla-resistance/special- powers/action kind of stuff, you may enjoy this one. Then again, if you have a lot of awesome shows in your queue and you just can't find time to watch them all, you'll probably be OK putting this one at the end of your list.

Beware of content: Stuff I found annoying or think other sensitive types will find inappropriate.

There are so far two episodes with cross dressing, although that character violently opposes the necessity of it. Those are early on.

Later on, there's a character who either cross-dresses all the time or is a transvestite--I'm not sure which.

There's a WHOLE lot more swearing in the English dub. (I listened to a couple episodes just for the heck of it.)

Episode 22--GRRRR! WHY did they stoop so low as to put in a tight-shirt scene? WHY! It was completely unnecessary, easily avoidable, and so obviously put in just for fan (dis)service.

There may be other bits that people more sensitive than I am would object to, but either I've forgotten them, or else I didn't think it necessary to mention them here. You should already have a good enough idea of whether you think this series is inappropriate for you based on what I've already included.

reviews, anime

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