Feb 27, 2005 16:45
well.. me&trevor broke up, but we`re still gonna` be friends! we just weren`t workin` out that well, & we never got to see each other! i`m not as upset as i thought i would be, so it`s all good!
i don`t really know what else to update about, so i`m gonna` put this in here again!! LoL
i`m really happy that i can go out with different people now.. that`s the best part! haha
fiNd A gUy wh0 cAlls y0U bEAUtifUl iNstEAd 0f h0t,wh0 cAlls y0U bAck whEn y0U hANg Up 0n hiM,wh0 will liE UNdEr thE stArS&liStEN t0 y0Ur hEArtbEAt. kissEs y0Ur f0rEhEAd,wANts t0 sh0w y0U 0ff t0 thE wh0lE w0rld, h0ldS y0Ur hANd iN fr0Nt 0f his friENds,thiNks y0U`rE jUst As prEttY witH0Ut mAkEUp 0n.wh0 iS c0NstANtly rEmiNdiNg y0U 0f h0w mUch hE cArEs&h0w hE`s thE lUckiEst gUy iN thE w0rlD t0 hAvE y0U. thE 0nE wh0 tUrNs t0 his friENds&sAys,"thAt`s hEr."
just cause i l0ve that qu0te s0 much!! l0l
leave me s0me c0mments!! <33