i swear that i can go on forever again..

Feb 25, 2005 20:50

please let me know that my one bad day will end..

t0dAy i had school...  it was boring as usual...

after school i skipped tennis practice & went home for a little while.. took a shower, got dressed & went to my aunt`s shop(classy cuts) where my cousin Tess fixed my hair. i wemt to brantley`s party around 6:30.  Trevor&Amos came in around 7:00... i ended up talking to Amos the whole time because Trevor wouldn`t talk to me. It really sucked... this happens everytime.. & if you don`t know what i`m talking about then you probably don`t need to. bAsicAlly, my friday night sucked..  i wrote a lot more in my other journal(that only like 2 ppl know about) about tonight... if you wanna` read it, message me on icq & i`ll prob. give you the website...

hAppY BiRthdAy bRANtlEy... <3

lEAvE.mE.s0mE.c0mmENts.! <3

als0, i nEEd a nEw thEmE f0r my j0UrnAl..ANy idEAs??
g0t thiS fr0m dANiEllE.. h0pe y0u d0n`t mind!! fiNd A gUy wh0 cAlls y0U bEAUtifUl iNstEAd 0f h0t, wh0 cAlls y0U bAck whEn y0U hANg Up 0n hiM, wh0 will liE UNdEr thE stArS&liStEN t0 y0Ur hEArtbEAt, 0r will stAy AwAkE jUst t0 wAtCh y0U slEEP..wAit f0r thE b0y wh0 kissEs y0Ur f0rEhEAd, wh0 wANts t0 sh0w y0U 0ff t0 thE wh0lE w0rld, wh0 h0ldS y0Ur hANd iN fr0Nt 0f his friENds, wh0 thiNks y0U`rE jUst As prEttY witH0Ut mAkEUp 0n.. 0NE wh0 iS c0NstANtly rEmiNdiNg y0U 0f h0w mUch hE cArEs&l0vES bEiNg witH y0U&h0w hE`s thE lUckiEst gUy iN thE w0rlD t0 hAvE y0U. thE 0nE wh0 tUrNs t0 his friENds&sAys,"thAt`s hEr."
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