(no subject)

Jun 11, 2008 20:36

One of my closest remaining friends just came to pick up her daughter from a playdate with Victoria. She stayed for a glass of wine (or 2) and we had a nice chat. But she's moving in three weeks to Spain for a year enroute to eventually settling down in Switzerland. She's funny in that in the last weeks before she moves, she's refusing to socialize with anyone she thinks she will not keep in touch with after she moves. Time is running too short to spend it with people who aren't in it for the long haul. Wait till she finds out how crap I am with keeping in touch!lol.

The next three weeks of term are basically just one long goodbye to my remaining friends. We lost 7 last year and this year, out of a class of 29, 10 are moving, either back home or to the American School. So many of the Americans are so worried that if their kid doesn't go to school in a place exactly like what they would have at home, they will never cope when they move back. Personally I think that is a pretty narrow view. They may not put their kid in an IB school when they go back home, but a few years in a different system won't do their kid any harm. Why not spend a few years with a little diversity, living outside the box for a while? For example the Grade four kids are singing a farewell song to the retiring principal each in their mother tongue and in that one grade, there are 14 different languages. You won't get that at the American School.

Don't mind me. I'm just bitter that all my friends have moved or are moving and most that are left are those who, although I've known them for years, they rarely socialize outside their own culture group. Ethnic diversity isn't all it's cracked up to be sometimes. Better than none but..

So we're down to ticking off events as they pass, goodbye parties, class picnics, sleepovers etc, then we're off for the annual Canuck pilgrimage. My mom and my sister are coming to the cottage for a few days and even though I've invited other friends to join us, I kind of hope they say no. I ...

OMFG! The stupidity! The sale of my house in Montreal was completed on Friday and when the notary presented a certified cheque for the proceeds at my bank, it was refused!!! She didn't even question why and didn't bother to tell me until just this minute, after I asked why the money wasn't in my bloody account. Five days FFS! Good Lord, people treat a 5 hour time difference like an insurmountable obstacle to proper communication. Now it's past 5 and everyone's gone home.

Ok now that I'm all aggravated, where was I? Right...being abandonned by all my friends and needing a summer holiday...*sigh*

Well on the brighter side of things, I still have half a glass of wine and the new Inspector Lynley book to cheer me up.
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