(no subject)

Jun 18, 2006 00:21

Disapointing day.

First: Stand up comedy workshop. Uh, I thought I would be instantly funny. turns out that you have to work at it. Stand up is not somthing where you can just wing it.

Second: Foul Puppets. Unhappy Puppets. Lesson: You can not train a dog like you train a dolphin. They are different animals and they will do different tricks. Meaning, I need to stop tryiing to make the Puppets do improv like Fantastiprov. They have their own style, flavor and abilities. They do  not jump into scenes like we do. They do not do normal scenes like we do. Their jokes are different, their minds are different. It is a different troupe. The sooner I learn that, the sooner the kids have fun again.

Third: Love's Labor's Lost. That is the show I was really hoping was going to be the jewel in the ISF crown this summer. Uh. It was just boring. I blame only the director. The actors did what they were told, even if it was to stand center stage and read 3 pages of a love letter out loud. God. Damn. It is a pitty, because the set and costumes were so interesting. They overshaddowed the plot. There were two redeaming points. One, Jeffery Hawkins had one bit where he said "Remunination", like 12 times, and it made Ali and I laugh so hard that we were crying. We laughed right on through the whole next scene. That boy is good. The second is this strange balloon dance to a beautiful song that they did in odd lighting at the end. The green and blue transparent ballones seemed to glow with the stage light. To close the show, Richard lets loose the single white balloon and it drifts away up tword the stars. I have no idea what that MEANT, but it gave me chills.  Unfortunately, I can not bear to sit through the rest of that pointless drudgery just to see Jeffery and some balloons. (Who am I kidding. I will go again.)

Fourth: Colin is going to Iraq. Today he let his fear show.

fifth: I am not going to the Opening night Party. ISF is not home any more. Those are not my cooworkers. A chapter is closed.
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