Jun 17, 2006 02:37
In the intensive we did this Misner exercise where you describe your favorite chair while touching a standard chair from the classroom. You endow your chair on this one. It was really powerful for me. I was just talking about this silly chair that I used to have--no one died in it or anything-- but I just started crying. I think it was just the experiance of being able to touch something that was long gone that got me. My chair doesn't exist anymore, but I was seeing it and feeling it. It was like communicating with the dead.
We blocked more today, and I got my tribbles excited about their parts. Either that or they were faking it to pacify me. I also tought the Bottoms a couple of toubles and holds that Ali tought me yesterday. They enjoyed those thoroughly.
My mom and I went and saw Cammie's play at Prarie Dog, Willy Wanka, starring Dwayne Blakauller! Yaaay! The play was cute but kind of sloppy, except for Dwayne who was right on 100 percent of the time. It was a parody melodrama. The funniest part was that Charlie was sick. He proudly declared that he had rickets, a vitimin d deficiency! He also had a cold. Then, he gets the invitation in the chocolate bar, and it has a disclaimer saying that you had to have a vitimin D deficiencey and a common cold to accept the prize. Charlie then bursts into song, "Ive got a cold and rickets!!" (To the tune of "Ive got the golden ticket!") Ok, you had to be there.
Anywho, after the play I talked to Dwayne (my favorite teacher EVER) and invited him to a party that Colin was having. And Dwayne, 13 years older than us and with a wife and babe at home, says "ok!". God, I love him. So he came to Colin's party and we all sat around and talked shit. We talked unill 2:30 in the morning. He is such a great teacher and such a great human being. Everyone has a hero, and I am so lucky that I just got to spend 5 hours with mine.