Feb 15, 2005 20:59
Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day.
I'm happy to say that my days are getting much better. I love my friends! Thanks for being supportive!
So last week was kinda hectic because I had to work on Tuesday and Thursday in order to take my weekend off... Mrs. Brenner was not pleased that I had to skip practice. Well anyways Thursday was the most exciting and heart-pounding. After school I stayed for a short drama practice, went right to work, and after work, went right to Ann Arbor for choir rehearsal. However, I got lost because Rick gave me wrong directions, telling me to go south rather than north. So I show up late. Mr H was surprised to see me because I told him I would be working that night, well I did, but I got off. Anyhoo, I drove to Ann Arbor with an empty gas tank, and me not knowing the area couldn't find a gas station. So I drive home because I know theres a gas station there (no not at my house). It was the most frightening experience. But I made it, and the car literally stalled out at the pump. Whew, close one. $24.50 out of my pocket to be burned.
Friday was the concert in Frasier. Eric Floetke and his parents were kind enough to give me a ride and buy me dinner. Nice people. The concert itself went ok, except that the solos in between were really long and I was sweating and getting ready to pass out on stage. Great so I was really looking forward to Sunday.
Ok then there was Sadies on Saturday. Me and Marissa got shirts that said "support your local search and rescue team, GET LOST" Haha. So we went to Monica's house for a huge dinner and a dessert full of chocolate. Then there was the dance, which was lots of fun. Afterwards, we went to Becky's house. "We" consisted of me, Dave, Beirnat, Lefaive, Dirty, Marissa, Jenny, Aliisa, Becky, and Monica. We went swimming for awhile, then we all settled down in the hot tub, where we remained for the rest of the night having great friendly discussions. We also watched The Grudge. So after boiling in hot water for about ten hours, we changed and then departed our separate ways. I had about a forty minute drive home, which it was very difficult to stay awake. I then slept for as long as I could.
I had the Bach concert to go to later that day at Concordia. Now this was torture. Lack of sleep, dehydration from boiling, and worn out physically from the dance made it difficult to stay standing without passing out. Somehow I did it. Another miracle by God.
Anyways theres my weekend in slightly bigger than a nutshell.