It's been pouring with rain for most of the day 13C/55.5F. This morning I drove to my Art Appreciation class. This week we revisited the beginnings of German Expressionism with
Wassily Kandinsky and his student (and then his lover)
Gabriele Münter (who he treated appallingly!). We focussed on The Blue Rider (
Der Blaue Reiter) period which was interesting for its innovation.
Coincidentally there's an exhibition at the Royal Academy which has just opened, and I am already going there to see the
William Kentridge exhibition, so I've bought a ticket for the same day to see
Making Modernism which features Gabriele Münter along with three other female artists of the time. So that's something to look forward to. I've not been to the Royal Academy for ages, so I'm looking forward to having a wander around the free galleries too (and treating myself to some lunch.
After the lesson, I popped into my hair salon to drop off a stained glass angel to one of the staff who has ordered it. Then I got a few groceries in the supermarket nearby before coming home for lunch.
The rest of the afternoon was spent prepping the glass to make ten more little angels for the salon owner to give to her team there. As one of those is my hairdresser she asked me to make her something a bit different as she already has an angel (which I made her a couple of Christmasses ago). So I came up with this little star:
While I was doing that I also managed to catch up with more of the V&A Art Deco course which I still need to finish. Only a couple more lectures to watch. This afternoon it covered Art Deco architecture and style (which linked to transport design) and was fascinating and included
this Chinese style garage which is close to where I live and is now a small supermarket and wine shop (and listed to preserve it).
We've spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with a couple of things on the TV and later we're off to Tuesday evening Pilates.
Today's question is: 15. Pick up the nearest book (magazine or any available printed material will do). Turn to page 24 (or the closest to it). Go to the 7th line. What is it?
I'm sitting on the sofa and the nearest printed thing is a book that belonged to my Mother and which Mr Cee found when clearing out some of the junk we have stored in a shed in the garden (it's an ongoing project!) called The French Irregular Verbs. It's useful as I'm trying to brush up my French - so line 7 is:
"S'asseoir (to sit down), s'asseyant, assis, je m'assieds, je m'assis"