Boxing Day

Dec 26, 2021 10:27

We've had a lovely Christmas so far - the weather has been quite mild (around 11C/51F), so no snow on Christmas day (it's so rare here!). We ended up getting up fairly early but the boys didn't surface until mid morning. Poor Youngest Cee was sneezing and coughing and blowing his nose initially but got better through the day. He did a lateral flow test in the afternoon just to make sure it was just a bit of a cold - such is life in 2021 (negative).

We opened presents around 11 which was perfect as far as cooking lunch was concerned as it was the quiet time before you have to rush around getting all the vegetables and last minute things cooked. We were all really spoiled which was lovely. I'm always surprised how my family buy me unexpected but really fun things. This year one of the things Mr Cee bought me was a mini lego Mandalorian with the baby Yoda LOL!

We had a very yummy lunch of roast turkey and all the trimmings and Mr Cee and I went for an hours walk around the neighbourhood after that which was nice. When we got back we all had Christmas pudding and spent the afternoon playing Christmas Monopoly which Youngest Cee had brought over. It's the same as regular Monopoly, but you have different tokens such as Santa, a reindeer, a turkey, a snowman etc. Instead of the usual roads you get to buy the reindeer instead of the railways stations, and you collect a set such as Ivy, Mistletoe and Holly which you can then build grottos and worlkshops on. Mr Cee won by buying all the expensive properties and bankrupting us all LOL!

The rest of the evening we relaxed and picked at leftovers - it was a perfect way to spend the day. I hope whatever you did you all had a lovely time too.

Today we've all slept in (my watch tells me I had 10 hours of sleep which is really unusual for me but I clearly needed it! Youngest Cee's girlfriend is coming over this afternoon (she's been spending time with her Mum) and they will go back to his flat after her visit. They were going to drive to York for a short break over the next three days, but I'm glad to say they've cancelled it because they were worried about catching Covid there and then having trouble driving back (it's about a 4 hour drive from his place). I'm glad they've cancelled it as YC looks tired after working so hard up to Christmas Eve and now he's got a cold so it would have been quite miserable. I think they need to just chill out for a few days.

Eldest Cee is staying until Tuesday when we'll drive him back home and spend some time with him - I'm hoping the weather will let us have a walk on the beach before we come home.

I rather like Boxing Day - we don't have to to anything and that's the best way to spend a day!  I'm getting the usual flood of Boxing Day sale emails, so I might see if I can pick up some bargains....

I do have questions to catch up with:

25. Do your parents still live in the same house they raised you in?
Both my parents are gone and the they had several houses (which I lived in too), so this question doesn't really apply to us old folk *g*

26. What’s your favorite flavor of soda, pop or whatever else you call it?
I'm not a huge fan of fizzy drinks, but occasionally in the summer I might have a Pepsi Max if I want a hit of caffeine and it's too hot for coffee. Mostly I drink still water from our filtered tap.

new365meme, family, christmas

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