Nov 21, 2021 20:05
This morning I slept in and Mr Cee went to feed Boris and check on him. He was fine - he left him snoozing on the sofa.
I spent the morning sorting out stuff including our 'flu vaccination appointment at the end of next week. We had a leisurely lunch and caught up with some TV. Mid afternoon we set off to visit my friend in hospital. We had to book a time, and only one of us could go into the ward (fully masked) for an hour. It was good to see her - and I'd taken in some toiletries and some of her clean laundry so she could change and wash her hair etc. The hour was over quite quickly - I think I managed to cheer her up as she was a bit low.
I'm concerned she might have COPD as she's smoked since she was 12 (she's now 61), but I'm hoping I'm wrong. I think she's suspecting that too. More X-rays tomorrow and she's seeing a respiratory specialist *crosses everything*
We stopped off to see Boris on the way home - he was quite happy and his usual friendly self. Now we are back home and we've had some dinner and are watching Dr Who (side note - this story arc is SO CONFUSING!!).
I have a question for today: 21. What are your favorite smells?
Baking bread
Freshly baked Bergen Skillingsboller (a kind of cinnamon bun) - they remind me of living in Bergen *drools*
The smell of grass after a summer shower
The ozone at the seaside
The scent of an old rose