It's Friday!

Oct 29, 2021 09:52

Yesterday was fairly busy - it started with Tai Chi in the morning online. We both really enjoyed it, although we ended up doing a couple of long sets straight after each other which was tough. They involved a lot of big arm movements such as swinging your arms up straight in front of you, up overhead close to your ears and back down in a big circle and variations on that move. My shoulders were complaining after the 30 minutes of non stop movement! We both were surprised how well we could do the sets as it's been a while since we did the more difficult (balancing) moves and we both found them much easier than before.

After lunch I did some computer stuff and when Mr Cee finished work we went to the big garden centre to pick up some cheese from the cheese pod that is there on Thursdays. We managed to get Sage Derby which is a rare find and which he'd got in especially for us. In the evening there was Pilates which unfortunately was focussed on planks and things that mean you're putting all your weight on your shoulders which was not good after the morning. I managed most of the lesson but by the end I was really tired as this lesson is Pilates Flow which means you hardly stop between exercises and they 'flow' into each other for 50 minutes *ack*.

Needless to say I slept well last night!

Today's forecast is 15C/59F and sunny intervals.
It's pouring with rain and from the puddles outside it looks like it's been raining most of the night. It was really dark at 7am, and I'm very glad that the clocks go back on Saturday night.

Today I have nothing specific planned, but once Zero gets off my lap ..... (yes he's crawled inside my long tunic sweater)

I think I'll do some baking and cooking ahead as I have veggies to use up and it's soup season. Mr Cee is off to meet up with friends in London this evening so I will have the house to myself which has not happened for a VERY long time! I'm rather looking forward to it!

Happy Friday all - the sun has come out!

28. Do you add unnecessary letters to the end of words?
No - only when the children were small and liked words like 'doggy'. Is the 'y' unnecessary?

29. What was the last thing you used your phone for, besides calling/texting?
Checking my sleep analysis from last night captured on my smartwatch and looking at Lj.

pilates, picspam, tai chi, cats, baking, new365meme, cooking, family

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